to represent alphabetical
order (e.g., "Olive" < "Pickle")
(a) Use lazy deletion (be sure you clearly mark which nodes are deleted)
BinarySearchTreeT; T.insert("Ed"); T.insert("Steve"); T.insert("Gaetano"); T.insert("Oren"); T.remove("Steve"); T.insert("Brad"); T.insert("AJ"); T.insert("Sun Liang"); T.insert("Maria"); T.remove("Oren"); T.remove("Ed");
(b) Repeat (a), but actually delete nodes that are removed (for the 2-child case, use the "smallest right descendent" approach).
(c) Repeat (a), but assume that the BinarySearchTree is implemented using an AVL tree (with lazy deletion).
struct TreeNode { int element; TreeNode *firstChild; TreeNode *nextSibling; };write a routine
void PrintTreePost(TreeNode* node)
prints the tree's nodes in postorder.
fields to our TreeNode
class that will
store each node's height and depth in the tree:
template <class Comparable> class BinaryNode { Comparable data; BinaryNode* left; BinaryNode* right; int depth; int height; };Write a function
void SetHeightDepth(BinaryNode* node)
that takes the root of a binary tree as input. The routine should set
the height and depth fields of every node to their correct values.
You may use a helper function or two to achieve this.
template <class Comparable> class NewTreeNode { Comparable item1; Comparable item2; NewTreeNode* childA; NewTreeNode* childB; NewTreeNode* childC; };The search tree property for such a tree would be that
is less than item2
. In addition, all
values stored in subtree childA
are less than
, all values in subtree childC
greater than item2
, and all values in subtree
are between item1
(a) Asymptotically speaking, what is the minimum depth for a tree of N values using this representation? Why?
(b) What is the maximum asymptotic depth for a tree of N values? Why?
(c) Give a brief explanation of how the traditional BST
operation would have to be modified to work with
this approach. This should just be a few sentences indicating some of
the differences.
(d) Do you think this approach is worthwhile? (Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?) Why or why not?