Chapter 1: You should know all of this material. Most of it is basic
math. Pay particular attention to the short discussion of recursoin.
Chapter 2: This chapter on Algorithm Analysis is important. Read all of
Chapter 3: Lists. This is basic to this course. Read about:
- Abstract data type. ADT
- The List ADT (all of section 3.2)
- The Stack ADT (all of Section 3.3)
- The Queue ADT (all of Section 3.4)Note the examples and applications of each ADT.
Chapter 4: Trees. Read
- Preliminaries and Binary Trees (section 4.1, 4.2)
- Binary Search Trees (section 4.3)
- AVL Trees (section 4.4)
- Tree Traversals (section 4.6)
- B Trees
Chapter 6 Priority Queues (Heaps)
- Model & Simple Implementations (section 6.1 & 6.2)
- Binary Heap (section 6.3)
- Application of Priority Queues