
For this project, you will be implementing Java’s Map Interface using different data structures. In your cse373 repo, you may follow the path maps/src/maps to find all files that you are tasked to complete. For each provided file as well as involved classes and interfaces, the main task/purpose is listed here:

P2 Structure

After completing the project, you will be able to:

  • Build a data structure by delegating to other data structures.
  • Review the iterator design pattern.
  • Practice choosing invariants to ease implementation.

Get started


Grab your partner(s) and set off on a new journey together!

If you are working in a group, consider scheduling a time to go over the spec together and discuss how to collaborate on the project. If you are working with a new partner, follow the instructions from the Deques assignment to add your partner into your group. Good luck on the project!


  1. Map Interface - Introduce the Map Interface in Java
  2. Iterator Interface - Introduce the Iterator Interface
  3. ArrayMap Implementation - Complete the programming portion of the assignment.
  4. ChainedHashMap Implementation - Complete the programming portion of the assignment.
  5. Tests and Submission - Test and submit the project.