
This first project is designed to:

  • set up IntelliJ and other systems we’ll use in this class (Java, GitLab, Git, Checkstyle),
  • learn how to use JUnit and run unit tests in IntelliJ,
  • refresh CSE 143 concepts and set expectations for projects in CSE 373.

If at any point you don’t have access to one of the tools we need you to access for this course, please make a private post on Ed.

If you run into any trouble or any errors, post on Ed (with a screenshot of your error and any relevant details) or come to office hours and we can work together to figure it out.


  1. System Setup - Set up your computer for programming in CSE 373.
  2. Using IntelliJ - Learn how to use IntelliJ to write code, debug programs, and run tests.
  3. Programming - Complete the actual programming component of this project.
  4. Unit Testing - Learn about testing your code.
  5. Commit & Submit - Turn in your work.