Class DualGradientEnergyFunction

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double apply​(Picture picture, int x, int y)
      Returns the energy of pixel (x, y) in the given picture.
      private static int blue​(int rgb)
      Returns the 8-bit blue color component as an int.
      private static double centralDiff​(int rgb1, int rgb2)
      Returns the central difference between the two pixels' colors.
      private static double forwardDiff​(int rgb1, int rgb2, int rgb3)
      Returns the forward/backward difference for the three adjacent pixels' colors.
      private static int green​(int rgb)
      Returns the 8-bit green color component as an int.
      private static double horizontalDerivative​(Picture picture, int x, int y)
      Returns the horizontal derivative for the (x, y) pixel in the picture.
      private static int red​(int rgb)
      Returns the 8-bit red color component as an int.
      private static double verticalDerivative​(Picture picture, int x, int y)
      Returns the vertical derivative for the (x, y) pixel in the picture.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DualGradientEnergyFunction

        public DualGradientEnergyFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • horizontalDerivative

        private static double horizontalDerivative​(Picture picture,
                                                   int x,
                                                   int y)
        Returns the horizontal derivative for the (x, y) pixel in the picture.
        picture - the input picture.
        x - the x-index into the picture.
        y - the y-index into the picture.
        the horizontal derivative for the (x, y) pixel in the picture.
      • verticalDerivative

        private static double verticalDerivative​(Picture picture,
                                                 int x,
                                                 int y)
        Returns the vertical derivative for the (x, y) pixel in the picture.
        picture - the input picture.
        x - the x-index into the picture.
        y - the y-index into the picture.
        the vertical derivative for the (x, y) pixel in the picture.
      • centralDiff

        private static double centralDiff​(int rgb1,
                                          int rgb2)
        Returns the central difference between the two pixels' colors.
        rgb1 - the first pixel's color.
        rgb2 - the second pixel's color.
        the central difference between the two pixels' colors.
      • forwardDiff

        private static double forwardDiff​(int rgb1,
                                          int rgb2,
                                          int rgb3)
        Returns the forward/backward difference for the three adjacent pixels' colors.
        rgb1 - the first adjacent pixel's color.
        rgb2 - the second adjacent pixel's color.
        rgb3 - the third adjacent pixel's color.
        the forward/backward difference for the three adjacent pixels' colors.
      • red

        private static int red​(int rgb)
        Returns the 8-bit red color component as an int.
        rgb - 24-bit color represented as three 8-bit red-green-blue color components.
        the 8-bit red color component as an int.
      • green

        private static int green​(int rgb)
        Returns the 8-bit green color component as an int.
        rgb - 24-bit color represented as three 8-bit red-green-blue color components.
        the 8-bit green color component as an int.
      • blue

        private static int blue​(int rgb)
        Returns the 8-bit blue color component as an int.
        rgb - 24-bit color represented as three 8-bit red-green-blue color components.
        the 8-bit blue color component as an int.
      • apply

        public double apply​(Picture picture,
                            int x,
                            int y)
        Description copied from interface: EnergyFunction
        Returns the energy of pixel (x, y) in the given picture.
        Specified by:
        apply in interface EnergyFunction
        picture - the input picture.
        x - the x-index into the picture.
        y - the y-index into the picture.
        the energy of pixel (x, y) in the given picture.