Getting Help¶
If you have a general question that other students could potentially benefit from, considering posting on Ed! On Ed, you can also set your questions to private or anonymous as you see appropriate.
For logistical questions (such as extenuating circumstances and DRS accommodations), posting privately on Ed is the best way to ensure that you will receive a response in time and lets TAs follow up for you. For sensitive situations, you can also email Kasey and the Head TAs directly if you would feel more comfortable (please use your university email for all correspondence).
We are often available at other times by appointment, and we encourage you to schedule 1:1 appointments whenever you want to talk about concepts, grades, internships, or anything else.

Hey all, I’m Kasey. I was born just outside Vancouver, Canada. Moved to the Bay Area when I was 11 months old and then to Seattle when I was 7, so I’m about as “west coast” as they come. I went to UW for undergrad where I studied Electrical Engineering (embedded systems), but TA‘d for CS for 9 quarters, so I decided to do software engineering post-graduation.
I’ve worked at Microsoft, a start up called Karat and now I’m at Google. I taught high school computer science on top of my day job for 7 years and I am passionate about making tech industry opportunities available for everyone. Feel free to setup time if you ever want to chat careers in tech.
Favorite springtime drink: matcha.
Teaching Assistants¶

Hi everyone! I’m a senior majoring in CS with a minor in Geography. In my spare time I like playing the ukulele, taking care of my plants, and playing video games! I also started crocheting recently. I’ve TAed other CSE courses in the past, but this is my first time TAing 373! Excited to meet you all :)
Favorite springtime drink: Roselle Honey Chrysanthemum Tea from Don’t Yell at Me :)

Hi everyone, I’m Andrew! I’m a junior studying computer science and I’m originally from the Chicago area. In my free time, I enjoy boxing, playing tennis and soccer, and exploring the outdoors.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Favorite springtime drink: grapefruit green tea.

Hi! My name is Chandni and I am currently a third year student majoring in Computer Science. I am super excited to TA CSE 373 for the first time, although I have been a TA for CSE 332 twice in the past.
Outside of school, I really enjoy drawing and baking. As a shameless plug, I have an Instagram account where I post my photorealistic color pencil drawings (IG: @chandnidraws).
I can’t wait to meet everyone this quarter!
Favorite springtime drink: Caramel Frappuccino.

Hi, I am Hans! I grew up in Shanghai and moved to Seattle 7 years ago. This is my first time TAing for CSE 373, and I am very excited!
Feel free to chat with me about your homework, course material, internship hunting tips, etc etc!
Favorite springtime drink: iced chai.

Hi everyone! My name is Helen and I’m a senior studying Informatics and Mathematics. CSE 373 has always been one of my favorite courses. I promise to do my best to support you and your learning in this class, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever need help or want to chat! Looking forward to meeting y’all :)
Favorite springtime drink: matcha or jasmine tea.

Hello, I’m Jackson, a junior double majoring in CS and Applied Math. Besides coding, I love bungee jumping, skydiving, cooking, and playing basketball. The fields I am interested in are ML/AI and Big Data. Ask me any questions :) Remember, I am here to help you succeed.
Favorite springtime drink: milk :).

Hi everyone! My name is Jiajun Li from China. I am a computer science major. CSE 373 is my favorite course at UW, and I am very glad to be TAing it. I am looking forwarding to see you guys and have a great quarter.
Favorite springtime drink: orange juice.

Hey friends! I’m Julia, a graduating senior studying CSE. I was born in Toronto, ON, but have been in the Seattle area most of my life. In my time here, I’ve TA‘d quite a few classes, done quite a few internships, and picked up some research opportunities, hobbies, and many friends along the way.
In my recent free time, I’ve been running, learning how to cook, and playing badminton! Feel free to reach out about anything—if any of my past experiences can be of help to you, please pick my brain!
Favorite springtime drink: iced matcha latte (with whip if I’m feeling like I need an extra pick-me-up).

Hello! It’s my second year at UW, and I’m studying CS and Informatics. I’m so excited to meet you all and to be one of your TAs. I love staying active in my free time, especially running and hiking.
Feel free to reach out any time.
Favorite springtime drink: strawberry smoothies :)

Hi! I’m a 5th Year Master’s student at the Allen School, now down to my final quarter at the UW.
Growing up, I was slated to be an All-American Kid, but I moved to Guangzhou, China with my family for a few years, so now I have dim sum opinions and can teach you how to swear in Cantonese. In my free time, I do film photography, volunteer at a music nonprofit, and participate in your standard set of Seattle outdoor activities.
Favorite springtime drink: an iced mocha from Cafe Allegro.

Hi everyone! I’m Parker, and I’m a 2nd year CS student. This is my 6th time TAing but my first time teaching CSE 373! Data Structures is one of my favorite classes, and I hope y’all will enjoy it too.
Outside of teaching, I love reading, hiking, and early morning coffee runs. Feel free to send me an email if you ever want to talk anything CS (or non-CS) related!
Favorite springtime drink: the tears of my enemies :D… JK. Thai tea always slaps!

Hi everyone! My name is Rahul. I am a Senior from Bellevue majoring in Computer Science. This will be my sixth time as a TA, having previously done CSE 332 and CSE 373. I love cooking, as well as video games and rock climbing.
Favorite springtime drink: iced London Fog.

Hi! My name is Sangwon, and I’m a senior studying Computer Science. This is my first time TAing CSE 373, but I’ve TAed CSE 332 and 311 before this. In my free time, I love exploring new cafes around the ave and running to Gas Works or Greenlake for sunset. I’m excited to meet you all :)
Favorite springtime drink: my current favorite is Vietnamese Iced Coffee ;).

Hi everyone! My name is Simon (he/they) and I’m so excited to be a 373 TA this quarter! I’ve TA’d the new intro series before for CSE, and I can say that 373 is still my favorite class I’ve taken at UW to this date. I enjoy gaming, cooking, and kpop — feel free to say hi 😎
Favorite springtime drink: water is always my favorite drink of choice (I feel so old for saying this).

Hi everyone! I am super excited to work with you all this quarter! I hope that I can get to know you a little better and make learning fun and interactive! This is my umpteenth time TAing for CSE 373.
A fun fact about me is that I am a Guinness World Record holder…and I’m Canadian… Play me in chess on my username is fereidoonis.
Favorite springtime drink: coffee.

Hello! I’m a sophomore in computer science and econ, and while this is my 5th quarter TAing in the Allen School, (4 quarters with the CSE intro series) this is my very first time TAing CSE 373! Outside of coding, I love to read, cook, ski, and travel. Looking forward to meeting you all, and excited for a super fun quarter!
Favorite springtime drink: I like a warm mocha year round :).

Hi, My name is Ton! I am from Bellevue, Washington and this is my first quarter TA-ing CSE 373! I am a computer science major in my third year, and I’m also finishing my minor in Mathematics.
Outside of the classroom, I love travelling the world, listening to pop music, and watching the Mariners. I’m looking forward to meeting y’all and excited for a fun quarter!
Favorite springtime drink: tropical fruit smoothie.

I’m a third-year in computer science and I’m excited to TA for 373! I’m from Kent, WA and I like learning math and taking walks in my free time. Feel free to drop by my IPL hours to chat about anything CSE related.
Favorite springtime drink: you can never go wrong with water.

bork bork
Favorite springtime drink: sipsipsipsip.