All the teaching and learning assistants.
Section AA

Leila Peitsch
Hi, I’m Leila. I grew up in Seattle and I’m currently majoring in statistics and philosophy - though I’ve taken my fair share of CS classes. This is my first quarter being a TA, and I’m excited to help :) I love spending time in various cafés, playing games, and listening to music (new music/coffeeshop recs always appreciated). I hope everyone has a great autumn quarter!
Section AB

Katie Shi
Hello CSE 373! My name is Katie, and I’m a junior in informatics. I am excited to meet y’all soon! Outside school, I love baking, crocheting, going to concerts, and exploring new places. Feel free to reach out with questions or just to chat :)

Yanbing Xiao
Hello everyone! My name is Yanbing and I’m super excited to be a TA again this quarter for CSE 373. Outside of school, I enjoy going out for food with friends and traveling to different places. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Section AC

Aarya Dharm
Hey everyone! My name is Aarya Dharm. I’m a junior studying Computer Science and minoring in Education, Learning, and Society. This is my third quarter as a TA and first quarter as a 373 TA.
My career interests are in data science and my personal interests are in shows like miraculous ladybug, friends and art hobbies like jewelry making and embroidery.
Feel free to drop by my office hours for any help, any questions about applying into the Allen School, my interests, or anything else!

Michelle Wu
Hey, I’m Michelle! I’m a junior studying CS and Informatics, and I’m super excited to be TA’ing CSE373 this quarter. I’m from California (Bay Area specifically) but have fallen in love with Seattle since moving here. Outside of school, I love traveling and hiking (especially in the PNW), baking/trying new recipes, listening to music, and spending time with friends and family. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just to chat!
Section AD

Abiy Abahoy
Hey! Looking forward to helping you guys with your learning experience this quarter. Some other things outside of school I enjoy is sports (Basketball and Football, pls help me with my fantasy teams.), working out, anime and manga, and gaming sometimes but I am new to keyboard and mouse. Feel free to ask me about any of these as well at my email or in person.

Anna Batra
Hi, I’m Anna (IPA: ɑnɑ), a MS Computational Linguistics/NLP student, though I’m planning on teaching intro CS courses! This is my 7th quarter TAing! I love to binge Asian dramas, listen to K-pop, and sing jazz/choral music! Don’t be afraid to reach out, I’m here for you! :)
Section AE

Calvin Tzen
Hi! My name is Calvin and I’m a junior majoring in Informatics. While I’m not struggling at school, I love playing video games, listening to music (probably also from a video game), watching anime, or burning down my kitchen attempting to cook. Can’t wait to meet y’all!

Iris Zhou
Hey! I’m Iris, a fifth-year studying math and Data Science! I love sharing my love of DS&A through a vast array of puns, so I’m excited to traverse through this course with you! Outside of class, I love singing along to music and musicals during my commute. Hope to see ya soon!
Section AF

Devika Dwivedi
Hi everyone! I’m Devika (Devi), a senior in Computer Science. I love reading, running, and hiking. This is my third quarter as a TA, and I’m very excited to meet you all! Please reach out to me if you have any questions! :)
Section AG

Mustafa Khan
Hello! I am a third-year Informatics major. Besides CS, I like tennis, playing video games, watching shows/movies (always looking for recommendations), and hanging out with my friends. This is my second quarter TAing and I am excited to do some CS and hang out with you guys!
Section AH

Kat Solchaga
Hiya! Nice to meet you. I’m a San Diego native, but I identify as half Washingtonian by now. I’m always down to talk thrifting, coffee shops, surfing, snowboarding and that band/song I probably haven’t heard of yet. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Our staff is super knowledgeable and friendly! <3
Section AI

Emily Choi
Hey 373! My name is Emily and I’m a junior studying Informatics. I’m super excited to be TAing this quarter and can’t wait to meet you all! Outside of class, I enjoy binging romcoms/sitcoms, crocheting, and listening to music. Feel free to reach out to chat about anything :)
Section AJ

Elizabeth Bui
My name is Elizabeth, and I am an intended ACMS/Math major. In terms of academic interests, I am incredibly passionate about AI ethics and responsibility. If you ever want to talk racial triangulation, my experiences in math/CS classes, or honestly anything above, feel free to catch me after class or OH!

Thrisha Ramesh
Hi! My name is Thrisha and I am super excited to be one of your TAs for CSE 373 this quarter! I am a third year CS major and this will be my fourth quarter TAing. Apart from taking classes, I love traveling, cooking, exercising, and research. If you have any questions about classes, getting involved in u-grad research, or you just want to chat, feel free to reach out!
Section AK

Cindy Fu
Hello everyone! My name is Cindy Fu. I am a junior majoring in CS. Outside of computing, I TRY to do ballet. I also love doing outdoor activities, including skiing and camping. Please reach out to me if you enjoy them, too! Also, this is my first quarter as a TA and I am so exicited to meet you all!