May 20 EX6 released!
Our sixth and final exercise, Sorting, is now released on our course website and is due 11:59 PM PDT Friday, May 27th!
This exercise is to help us get in some practice on considering stability & space (in-place), time complexity, and design decisions all related to sorting.
High-level collaboration is allowed, but exercises are to be completed and submitted individually and digitally on Gradescope (not a pdf).
As always, feel free to post on Ed or swing by office hours if you’d like some assistance! :)
Remember, the same late days that apply to projects also apply to the exercises! :)
May 13 EX5 released!
Our fifth exercise, MSTs & Disjoint Sets, is now released on our course website and is due 11:59 PM PDT Friday, May 20!
This exercise is to help us get in some practice on understanding the difference between MSTs and SPTs, creating MSTs using Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms, and working with disjoint sets in both tree and array format and both without and with path compressions.
High-level collaboration is allowed, but exercises are to be completed and submitted individually and digitally on Gradescope (not a pdf).
As always, feel free to post on Ed or swing by office hours if you’d like some assistance! :)
Remember, the same late days that apply to projects also apply to the exercises! :)
May 11 P4 released!
P4: Mazes has been released! This is our last project and it is the longest one being a 3-week assignment due Wednesday, June 1.
The full project thread is posted on Ed. You can find the spec here.
May 06 EX4 released!
Our fourth exercise, BFS, DFS, & Dijkstra’s, is now released on our course website and is due 11:59 PM PDT Friday, May 13!
This exercise is to help us get in some practice on using different representations for graphs, using BFS and DFS for traversals, and using Dijkstra’s for computing the shortest paths tree on weighted graphs.
High-level collaboration is allowed, but exercises are to be completed and submitted individually and digitally on Gradescope (not a pdf).
As always, feel free to post on Ed or swing by office hours if you’d like some assistance! :)
Remember, the same late days that apply to projects also apply to the exercises! :)
May 04 P3 released!
P3: Heap has been released! It is a one-week assignment due next Wednesday, May 11.
The full project thread is posted on Ed. You can find the spec here.
Apr 22 EX3 released!
Our third exercise, Design Review, is now released on our course website and is due 11:59 PM PDT Friday, April 29!
This exercise is to help us get in some practice on reviewing designs, in a similar format to what will also be seen on our midterm!
High-level collaboration is allowed, but exercises are to be completed and submitted individually and digitally on Gradescope (not a pdf this time).
As always, feel free to post on Ed or swing by office hours if you’d like some assistance! :)
Remember, the same late days that apply to projects also apply to the exercises! :)
Apr 15 EX2 released!
Our second exercise, Modeling Recursive Code & Design Decisions, is now released on our course website and is due 11:59 PM PDT Friday, April 22!
This exercise is to help us get in some practice on Modeling Recursive Code, using the Master Theorem, and exploring tradeoffs with our own Design Decisions.
High-level collaboration is allowed, but exercises are to be completed and submitted individually as a pdf on Gradescope.
As always, feel free to post on Ed or swing by office hours if you’d like some assistance! :)
Remember, the same late days that apply to projects also apply to the exercises! :)
Apr 13 P2 released!
The second programming project of the quarter (P2: Maps) has been released and is due at 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 27 (two weeks from now). In this project, you (and your team) will be responsible for two implementations of the most useful data structure — Maps!
The full project announcement is posted on Ed. You can find the spec here.
Apr 08 EX1 released!
Our first exercise, Algorithmic Analysis I, is now released and is due 11:59 PM PDT Friday, April 15!
This exercise is to help us get in some practice on Big-Oh Notation, Growth Rates, Asymptotic Analysis, and Case Analysis.
Items of note:
- High-level collaboration is allowed; however, exercises are to be completed and submitted individually as a
on Gradescope. - As always, feel free to post on Ed or swing by office hours if you’d like some assistance!
- Remember, the same late days that apply to projects also apply to the exercises.
Apr 06 P1 released and Office Hours!
The second programming project of the quarter (P1: Deques) has been released and is due at 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 13! This project represents our first dive into the world of data structures and algorithms, where we will debug, implement, and test double-ended queues. The full project announcement is posted on Ed. You can find the instructions here.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed or Office Hours! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Office Hours
Our first full week of office hours are now underway. To join office hours, please use the currently pinned office hours thread on Ed to queue yourselves in line by writing a small description of your question/problem and a TA will assist you shortly. If you are attending a hybrid OH, please post if you are in person or on Zoom as well.
As a note, we are always looking for ways to adjust office hours to better serve students whether that may be hosting additional hybrid/Zoom office hours or shifting office hours time. If there’s something we can better do to accommodate your learning, let us know (preferably on Ed)!
Mar 30 P0 released; Office Hours; Permissions!
The first programming project of the quarter (P0: CSE 143 Review) has been released and is due 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 6! This project is intended to get you up to speed with course infrastructure and refresh your memory of 143 material. You should have received an email from GitLab, saying that an individual repository has been created for you.
Unlike the rest of the projects in this course, P0 is intended to be completed individually*. You can find the instructions here.
The best way to get help for the projects is through Ed! Please do not hesitate to ask if you’re stuck on something, because chances are somebody else will be too, and now they can be helped by your thread!
Preliminary Office Hours now posted!
We now have office hours! Most of them start on Week 2, but some TAs have special P0 Office Hours this week to help you fix any last-minute setup issues. Office Hours tend to be the best way to get face-to-face help with a TA, so do come and say hi!
Missing course tools?
If you’re enrolled in the course but missing access to any of our course tools, fill out the missing permissions form to let us know and we’ll add you as soon as we can.
(Discuss this announcement on Ed)
*As of March 31, we’ve allowed the option to do P0 as a group project. However, we still recommend setting up your project individually, since half of the project is configuring IntelliJ/Java and setting yourself up for P1!
Mar 28 Before Quarter
Hi there!
Welcome to the website for CSE 373 Spring 2022! More content will be coming soon.