All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description AdjacencyListSeamFinder Adjacency list graph single-sourceShortestPathSolver
implementation of theSeamFinder
interface.AdjacencyListSeamFinder.PixelGraph Adjacency list graph ofAdjacencyListSeamFinder.PixelGraph.Pixel
vertices andEnergyFunction
-weighted edges.AStarGraph<V> Directed, edge-weighted graph with a heuristic function to estimate distances between vertices.AStarSolver<V> A* search implementation for single-pair shortest paths in anAStarGraph
.Autocomplete Suggest exact-character prefix matches for any queryCharSequence
.BinarySearchAutocomplete Binary search implementation of theAutocomplete
interface.Cities Search the world's cities.DijkstraSolver<V> Dijkstra's algorithm implementation of theShortestPathSolver
interface.DNA Search DNA by autocompleting across all suffixes.DoubleMapMinPQ<T> DualGradientEnergyFunction Dual-gradient implementation of theEnergyFunction
interface forPicture
objects.DynamicProgrammingSeamFinder Dynamic programming implementation of theSeamFinder
interface.Edge<V> Weighted, directed edge.EnergyFunction Determines the energy of a given (x, y) pixel index in aPicture
.ExtrinsicMinPQ<T> Priority queue where objects have extrinsic priority.GenerativeSeamFinder Generative adjacency list graph single-sourceShortestPathSolver
implementation of theSeamFinder
interface.GenerativeSeamFinder.PixelGraph Generative adjacency list graph ofGenerativeSeamFinder.PixelGraph.Pixel
vertices andEnergyFunction
-weighted edges.Graph<V> Directed, edge-weighted graph.HeapMinPQ<T> PriorityQueue
implementation of theExtrinsicMinPQ
interface.MapGraph AStarGraph
of places asPoint
vertices and streets edges weighted by physical distance.MapServer Run thehuskymaps
server.Moderator Simulate a content moderation priority queue with "streaming" data.Node A node in a graph representation of a picture.OptimizedHeapMinPQ<T> Optimized binary heap implementation of theExtrinsicMinPQ
interface.Picture A digital picture represented as red-green-blue colorint
pixels.PriorityNode<T> Represents the item-priority pair for use inExtrinsicMinPQ
implementations.SeamCarver Seam carving, an approach for content-aware image resizing.SeamFinder Finds a horizontal seam through thePicture
with the lowest sum ofEnergyFunction
costs.SequentialSearchAutocomplete Sequential search implementation of theAutocomplete
interface.ShortestPathSolver<V> Single-source shortest paths from a start vertex to all reachable vertices.ShortestPathSolver.Constructor<V> Constructor forShortestPathSolver
.SuffixCollection Generates all (length - 1) suffixes of the given sequence of characters and presents them in a collection.TernarySearchTreeAutocomplete Ternary search tree (TST) implementation of theAutocomplete
interface.TernarySearchTreeAutocomplete.Node A search tree node representing a single character in an autocompletion term.ToposortDAGSolver<V> Topological sorting implementation of theShortestPathSolver
interface for directed acyclic graphs.TreeSetAutocomplete TreeSet
implementation of theAutocomplete
interface.UnsortedArrayMinPQ<T> Unsorted array (orArrayList
) implementation of theExtrinsicMinPQ