Getting Help

If you have a general question that other students could potentially benefit from, considering posting on Ed or Discord. On Ed, you can also set your questions to private or anonymous as you see appropriate.

For logistical questions (such as extenuating circumstances and DRS accomodations), we ask that you post privately on Ed so the whole staff can respond. For sensitive situations, you can also email Hunter directly if you would feel more comfortable.

We are often available at other times by appointment, and we encourage you to schedule 1:1 appointments whenever you want to talk about concepts, grades, internships, or anything else.


Photo of Hunter Schafer

Hunter Schafer



Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Hi there! 🙋‍♂️ My name is Hunter! I’ve lived in Seattle for almost my whole life after a brief stint in Alaska, where I was born, and a couple of years in Minnesota. I did my undergrad and masters here at UW in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering.

Funnily enough, I had absolutely no idea what computer science was when I started at UW. I took CSE 142 on a whim and enjoyed it enough to continue on to CSE 143, but not enough to commit to it as a field of study. It wasn’t until I became a teaching assistant for the 14x series did I really find my passion for computer science: teaching computer science. Since then, I’ve shaped my college and post-college career around teaching computer science. Since graduating with my masters, I’ve worked here at the Allen School as a Teaching Professor.

Outside of school and work, I (used to) spend most of time hanging out with friends: just enjoying quality time or going out and exploring new restaurants, coffee shops, or bars. Now, during the inside-times, I’ve tried to make a routine with my available free time. I’ve gotten into reading and cooking more regularly, I started practicing yoga, and I got back into practicing Spanish, all while drinking probably an unhealthy amount of coffee.

Teaching Assistants

Photo of Aileen Zeng

Aileen Zeng




Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Hi! My name is Aileen and I’m a senior studying Computer Science (but will be sticking around an extra year for the BS/MS program). This is going to be my third time TAing CSE373. This course has a special place in my heart, so I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone!

I transferred to UW from University of Rochester during my freshman year, back when I thought I’d be studying biomedical engineering / pre-med. I made a hard pivot to study CS sometime during that year and decided to come back to UW. Since then, I’ve been involved with TAing/HCI Research/Industry (all of which I’m super happy to talk about!)

Outside of school, I also like making lattes, running and playing violin! I have also been very, very slowly getting into Animal Crossing.

Photo of Alex Teng

Alex Teng




Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Hello! I’m Alex. I’m currently a 5th year master under Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. I’m going to graduate after this quarter and heading towards the trail of industry, so feel free to reach out for career advices! 😉

This is my second time teaching cse373. Comparing with other courses, cse373 has its own beauty which makes me enthusiast in teaching this course. I hope that we could have a fun quarter together! 🙌

Photo of Amanda Park

Amanda Park




Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Hi there! My name is Amanda Park. I am from Silverdale, WA, and went to elementary school in South Korea. I enjoy going to cute cafes with friends and watercolor drawings. I also like to do small side projects that align with my interest, which often relates to making funny puns. Lastly, I really like cute cartoon characters like Doraemon and Shin-chan. This is my third time TAing, this class, and I have absolutely adored it every time! I hope you enjoy the course, and I could contribute to your positive learning experience in this class.

Photo of Batina Shikhalieva

Batina Shikhalieva




Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Hey everyone! I’m very excited to be part of your CSE 373 experience this quarter. The reason I teach is to make sure you succeed and enjoy the class. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns!

A few words about me — I am a rising senior at the University of Washington. I have been teaching in the Computer Science department for 6 quarters already (yee-haw!). I love the computer’s ability to empower the invention of new things, and this was exactly what drove me to programming. Aside from academics, my industry experience lies at the core of backend systems. If you’re curious about the industry, I’d love to chat with you! With regard to my free time, my biggest hobbies are competitive programming and taking proper hours of sleep.

Photo of Blarry Wang

Blarry Wang




Hi, there 👋 My name is Blarry! I’m currently completing my 5th year Master’s program in Computer Science. This is my 3rd quarter teaching CSE373 and I’m absolutely thrilled to TA for this class again!

Other than teaching, I’m also interested in doing research in the area of Natural Language Processing and political science. If you are interested in chatting in either area feel free to reach out!

Photo of Elena Spasova

Elena Spasova




Hey there! I was born in Bulgaria but moved when I was very young and have been raised in Seattle my whole life. I enjoy being outdoors, trying new things, and cooking.

This quarter I have goals of volunteering at the UW Farm (if allowed), working on a podcast for my Environmental Studies capstone, and hopefully starting to learn how to play the piano! Feel free to ask me about any of these or anything else you want to chat about!

I absolutely love this class and it gets more fun every single quarter I’m on staff. I hope you find the course as enjoyable as we all do!

Photo of Joyce Elauria

Joyce Elauria



Schedule 1:1 Meeting

I grew up across the Puget Sound in Bremerton, where I attended community college before transferring to UW. I hadn’t taken a programming course since high school, but decided to revisit it at UW after figuring out my original major (biochemistry) wasn’t the best for me (it was really late in my academic career – junior year!). Had a blast, and now I’m here double majoring into Informatics!

During quarantine, I’ve mostly been playing a lot of Dungeons and Dragons — ask me about my current campaign and my struggles on roll20! I miss competitive swimming, and have been struggling to find exercise that I vibe with in this weird era. I would love to hear any suggestions you have, or if you don’t have any clue, I’m still down to chill on zoom with a dope cup of tea.

Photo of Ken Aragon

Ken Aragon




Hey everyone! My name is Ken, and I’m a senior studying Computer Science in the BS/MS program. I originally wanted to study Aerospace Engineering, but after my freshman year I ended up taking CSE 142 on a whim and loving it. After I completed the intro series, I decided to pursue CSE as a career and applied to become a TA. I spent 3 quarters TAing 143 and 2 quarters on 163, and I’m still loving teaching. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, socializing with friends, and cooking. Looking forward to a great quarter!

Photo of Khushi Chaudhari

Khushi Chaudhari




Hi! I’m Khushi, a junior majoring in computer science and minoring in math and entrepreneurship. This is my first time TAing 373, but I’ve TAed 142, 143, and 332 in the past.

Some things I like to to do in my free time include karate, rock climbing, getting boba, finding new music, re-reading harry potter, and attempting not to set anything on fire while I try to cook!

Photo of Leona Kazi

Leona Kazi




I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but have lived in Washington all my life. I never thought I would be interested in CSE until I took my first computer science course at UW (CSE 142) and ended up really enjoying the problem solving aspect within programming. This has led me to chase opportunities that allow me gain more exposure to this field, and that’s why I am super excited to be TA’ing for this quarter for CSE 373!

Ask me about the Bachelor/Bachelorette, being a Resident Advisor, or Harry Potter. Also, I love exploring, going out and staying active, so I appreciate any suggestions or stories you have on things that you’ve done around Seattle!

Photo of Mitchell Szeto

Mitchell Szeto




Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Hello! I’m Singapore born and Seattle raised. I have a heart of a baker and the hips of a dancer. But there’s nothing that I love more than teaching CSE 373 :)

This quarter I’m embarking on my dream of becoming a Hong Kong pastry chef and making my third attempt at learning Mandarin. Feel free to reach out and ask me about anything!

Photo of Nathan Lipiarski

Nathan Lipiarski




I grew up in the Philadelphia area, but moved to Seattle three years ago when I started at the UW. I am a senior in the computer science program and will be graduating in December. I am a firm member of team vim.

Photo of Paul Pham

Paul Pham




I was born and raised in the Greater Seattle area so it only seemed fitting that I pursue my undergrad at UW! Originally, I was pursuing computer science, but after some soul searching, I realized what I’m really passionate about is computing education! After that, everything seemed to fall into place, so now I am working towards a double-degree in Informatics and Education, Communities, and Organizations (ECO). I also had incredible TAs in 14x, 163, and 373 that encouraged me to become a TA, so here I am — and I’m loving every minute.

373 was a class that really changed the game for me because turned the corner from foundational and abstract to more concrete. It’s a deep dive, but it’s also so much fun! If you ever want to chat about any of my — or our :o — interests, just let me know! Ask me about computing ed, teaching, social justice, music, The Office, or my (physically, mentally, and financially) unhealthy obsession with cooking and coffee.

Photo of Ryan Siu

Ryan Siu



Hi there! I was born and raised in Northern California where I developed a keen interest in good food and videogames. I came to UW right out of high school pursuing a degree in CS and TAing for a few quarters along the way. In my free time I’ve been brushing up on my soup-making skills and learning how to record some songs. Feel free to ask me about music, cooking, or my rank in CSGO.

Photo of Sam Long

Sam Long




Hey everyone!

I’m Sam, a senior studying CS. This is my third time TAing 373, and it’s been my favorite class to TA for! (I have a long history with the 14X series)

I love making my own video games! I’m an officer for UW‘s Game Development Club, and I like to program and make pixel art for games. I’m currently finishing up a wacky fighting game starring my childhood friends. Talk to me if you’re interested in learning more about game development, or joining Game Dev Club!

Non tech-related, I’m a huge fan of hikes, cooking, and reading!

Photo of Santino Iannone

Santino Iannone




Schedule 1:1 Meeting

👋! I am a senior studying computational biology here at the UW. This means that I spend most of my time trying not to get cell media all over my computer. More specifically, I focus on using machine learning methods to solve problems in molecular biology. For example, right now I’m working on predicting diabetic beta cell physiology from gene expression! This is my second time TAing for CSE 373 (both times virtually) and I’m excited to spend time with the 2D version of y’all once again. I know how difficult staying engaged with online classes can be, so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to improve your distance learning experience. Outside of academics, I try to write about movies and TV. I also enjoy a good hike.