CSE 373, Winter 2019: CSE 373 FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

CSE 373 staff email address: cse373-staff@cs.washington.edu


  1. What happened Google Groups?
    The group will continue to exist here, but we've switched to Piazza due to popular demand. Please post there instead.
  2. How do I keep Piazza from selling my data?
    Piazza sells your information to companies by default. To opt out, follow these instructions.
  3. I cannot access the CSE GitLab. Can you grant me access?
    Enrolled students automatically get access to the CSE GitLab with your UW Net ID. Try accessing with your UW NetID. If you cannot access the CSE GitLab with your UW NetID, email support@cs.washington.edu. If you registered for the class late, there may be a short delay, so try again after 24 hours, but if you still cannot access CSE GitLab, email support@cs.washington.edu.


  1. I keep getting the error "An internal error occurred during: Polling news feeds."
    This is an issue when Eclipse is run with Java 11. Go to Preferences > General > News and deselect "Enable automatic news polling".
  2. I get the error "The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"
    Try cleaning the project (Project > Clean...), and if that doesn't work, try closing and reopening the project. If that still doesn't work, delete and re-import the project and try cleaning again if necessary.