CSE 373, Spring 2019: Guide to Submitting Code

Submission process

Code for all projects will be submitted to GitLab; the steps to do so are described below. There's no need to do anything else if you're submitting on time, but if you're submitting late, you must fill out the late submission form to tell us the number of late days you'll be using. If you do not, we will assume that your submission is on time and grade according, and you will not be able to change this after we've finished grading

For groups with more than one person, only one person needs to fill out the form, and a late day will be deducted from each member. Also, submitting an individual write-up late does not require filling out this form, and will count against only the members who submit late on Canvas.

  1. Using Git to submit code to GitLab

  2. How grading works

  3. GitLab runners

  4. Interpreting feedback