CSE 373 Winter 2017: Grading Policies

Overall course grade

Your overall grade will be determined as follows (subject to change if necessary, but change is unlikely):

We will have approximately one assignment per week. If you find an error in our grading, please bring it to our attention within one week of that item being returned.

Late policy

All parts of an assignment must be received by the stated deadline in order for the assignment to be counted as on time. For each day an assignment is late, they will receive 15% off their assignment per day for a maximum of three days. Assignments not turned by the Saturday after HW is due will receive a zero. If unforseen circumstances prevent an on-time submission of the assignment, email the instructor (ejmcc@uw.edu) before classtime on Wednesday and we will make all reasonable accomodations.

You may not submit any portion of any assignment more than 3 days after its original due date.

All assignments will be submitted through canvas. Please submit all necessary .java files (please do not submit .class files) from the HW specifications. If at any point, it is unclear what documents should be submitted, please don't hesitate to contact the instructor. All written submissions need to be a .pdf of either typed or clearly handwritten and scanned results. Assignments on canvas will require submissions of code and writeup under separate "assignments" on canvas, so please be aware of that. Please ensure that you submit the correct assignment and files to canvas , for their will be little leeway given for incorrect submissions.

Re-grade Policy

If you have a question about an assignment or exam that was returned to you, please do not hesitate to ask a TA or the instructor about it. Learning from our mistakes is often one of the most memorable ways of learning.

If, after discussing your question with a TA or the instructor, you feel that your work was incorrectly graded, please submit a re-grade request on canvas as follows:

When a written assignment, programming project, or test is re-graded, the entire work will be re-graded. This means that while it is possible to gain points, it is also possible to lose points. Because of this, we strongly recommend discussing submissions with course staff before submitting a regrade request.

Grading guidelines for programming assignments

See also Programming Guidelines for the course.