Project 1, part 0: Setup


This section of the document explains how to set up and configure your development environment.

You do not need to submit anything for part 0 and there is no due date, but we strongly recommend you work through this section as soon as possible. Part 0 contains instructions and mini-exercises designed to make sure you're comfortable with your development environment which you'll be using throughout the quarter.

If you run into any issues or have questions about any of these steps, you should ask one of the course staff as soon as possible so you don't run into issues down the line.

Part 0a: Install your IDE

First, start by setting up your development environment if you haven't already. We require installation and use of Eclipse instead of using jGRASP.

Here are instructions on installing and using Eclipse

Part 0b: Download your project

Download your eclipse project file.

Extract it and open it eclipse. See the guide (linked above) for instructions on how to do this. Note: since you should be pair-programming with your partner in person, only one partner should need to download the project.

You may optionally use Git, a version control system, to help manage your code. Git is a tool that is used almost ubiquitously in industry to help people keep track of changes they make to their code and collaborate with their teammates in a principled way.

If you plan on using Git, first complete all the steps in part 0, then read this document which contains a tutorial on using Git as well as our class policies regarding version control.

Part 0c: Run tests locally

Once you have finished setting up your IDE and your project, try running the tests we have provided you. You can do this by right-clicking on the test and selecting the "run" option.

When you try running your tests, your IDE should print out the names of each test, state that they failed, and include some sort of error message and stack trace under each one.

If you are unable to get your tests running, talk to one of the course staff ASAP to get help.

Part 0d: Get style feedback

In this course, style will be graded 100% automatically using tools known as style linters. Style linters are not comprehensive and won't necessarily catch all style issues, but they're good enough to catch the more egregious issues.

We will run these linters for you automatically at the end of every day. You can submit your code as many times as you want to re-run the style checks. We will grade whatever you submit last and ignore all prior submissions.

How will style be graded?

We plan on grading your code for style by:

  1. Running the same linting tools the submitter tool uses.
  2. Briefly performing a manual sanity check over your code to make sure it's more or less readable and you didn't somehow fool the linters.

Since we're giving you the same linting tools we'll use to grade your code, everybody should be able to easily get full points for style.

Note: we will, however, grade the design decisions your group made by hand. Design decisions are the higher-level choices you made while implementing your code. Examples of poor design decisions include:

  1. Not following restrictions listed in the spec.
  2. Implementing asymptotically inefficient code.
  3. Writing grossly redundant code.
  4. Having your data structures use an excessive and unnecessary amount of memory.
  5. Structuring your code in an excessively awkward way.

Note: We will cover what exactly it means for code to be asymptotically efficient a little later this quarter. For now, we'll use a simpler definition: a method is asymptotically efficient if it uses as few loops as possible.

Part 0e: Exploration

Finally, explore the rest of your project with your partner and become comfortable with where everything is located. You do not need to understand all of the code provided to you, but you should at least be aware of where the files you need to modify are located.

We've included some extra info below to help you with your exploration process. (Remember, click the box titles to expand).

Project overview

When you open your IDE for the first time, you will see many different folders and files. Most of these are configuration files for your IDE: you can safely ignore most of them. The only folders you need to pay attention to are the src folder and the writeups folder.

Here is a high-level overview of what the src folder will contain:

  • src
    • main
      • antlr — Contains a grammar describing the mini-language you will be implementing. You should ignore this folder.
      • java
        • calculator — Contains code related to the calculator language and the GUI. You will modify some of these files.
        • datastructures — Contains abstract classes and (empty) concrete implementations for the data structures you will be implementing in this assignment.

          Notice that we have prefixed each interface with the capital letter "I". This is not standard Java convention – we use this prefix so we can easily distinguish our our interfaces from the ones in java.util.

        • misc — Contains miscellaneous utilities and files.
    • test
      • java — Contains tests for your project. We have provided some tests for you; you will be required to add some extra tests as a part of this project.

Java packages

In Java, the main way we organize projects containing multiple files is by using packages.

The most important things you need to know are that:

  1. To declare a Java file is a part of a package, you must include the line package; at the top of the Java file.

  2. By convention, we store files in folders matching the structure of the package name.

    For example, one of the files in our project is located at src/main/java/datastructures/concrete/ We've configured this project so src/main/java is considered the "root directory" of your Java source code. That means that will be located inside the datastructures.concrete package.

    There will always be a one-to-one mapping between the package name and the folder it's in.

  3. To import a class from a different package, include the line import; at the top of the file. You do not need to import any classes that a part of the same package as the current class.

You can find more details about Java packages at this link.