Current version: 1.05
- visualization.jar Everythig you
need in a handy java .jar file
(If your browser is confused by the .jar extension, then right click, choose "save as", and save to your local machine) - Source code: projects.tar.gz All wrapped up in a tar'ed gzipped file. WARNING! This code can be a little confusing, and the algorithms are obscured by the visualizations. Do not look at the source to understand the algorithms!
- OS X
Download to your local machine, and then double-click on the downloaded file. As with most Mac things, it just works. - Linux
Download to your local machine. From the directory where you've downloaded the file, type "java -jar visualization.jar". Assuming that java is correctly installed on your machine and your CLASSPATH and such are set up correctly, this should work just fine. In most distributions (redhat/etc), there don't seem to be any problems. - Windows
Download to your local machine, and then double-click on the downloaded file. As with most Windows things, it seems to work most of the time :)