Section Meetings

Purposes of Section Meetings

While the primary classroom experience for the course occurs in the lecture sessions, the section meetings complement the lectures in the following ways.

Interaction: Because they are limited in size to approximately 35 students, sections afford a better opportunity for students to ask questions and receive answers than in lecture.

Community: Students enrolled in CSE 373 tend to come from a wide variety of majors and backgrounds; the section meetings provide an opportunity to gain a sense of community in the context of the course. It is often easier to get to know fellow students in a section context than at the lectures. This can be helpful in finding study partners, for example.

Examples: The section meetings provide time for going over examples, whereas lectures put somewhat greater focus on principles.

Quizzes: Sometimes section meetings are called "quiz sections" which means that one of the activities performed during sections is taking quizzes. We plan to have occasional quizzes during some of the section meetings. Some quizzes will "count" in the grade and some may not.

Attendance Policy

Attendance at section meetings is required, but the staff understands that occasionally a student may miss a section for a good reason. In consideration of this, quizzes, worksheets and other activities for credit will contribute to the course grade in a "drop the one or two lowest" scores policy. This means that there will not be any make-up quizzes or make-up worksheets, but missing just one of these items will not affect one's grade.

Section Meeting Times, Locations, and Leaders

Section BA, Thursdays 12:30-1:20, in GUG 218. Leader: Dan Butler.

Section BB, Thursdays 2:30-3:20, in LOW 102. Leader: Emilia Gan.

Section BC, Thursdays 3:30-4:20, in LOW 102. Leaders: Hanzhen Yi and Trung Ly.

Section BE, Thursdays 11:30-12:20, in SMI 307. Leaders: Shenqi Tang and Ruchira Kulkarni.

Section BF, Thursdays 10:30-11:20, in MOR 225. Leader: Adwin Jahn.