''' TOHGraphSearch.py Starter code -- Python Version 1.0 -- for Assignment 5 in CSE 373, Univ. of Washington, Nov. 2014. Author: YOUR NAMES GO HERE Starter-code author: S. Tanimoto ''' # Here is the main application class: class ExploredGraph: def __init__(self): self.Ve = [] self.Ee = [] # Implement any additional initialization functionality HERE. def vertextest(self): # Test the vertex constructor: self.v0 = Vertex("[[4,3,2,1],[],[]]") print(str(self.v0)) def nvertices(self): pass # Implement this def nedges(self): pass # Implement this def dfs(self, vi, vj): pass # Implement this def bfs(self, vi, vj): pass # Implement this def retrievePath(self, vi): pass # Implement this def shortestPath(self, vi, vj): pass # Implement this def getVertices(self): return self.Ve def getEdges(self): return self.Ee class Vertex: def __init__(self, specString): self.pegs = eval(specString) def __str__(self): ans = str(self.pegs) return ans; class Edge: def __init__(self, vi, vj): pass # Implement this class Operator: def __init__(self, argument): pass # Implement this. def getPrecondition(self): pass # Implement this def getTransition(self): pass # Implement this def __str__(self): pass # Implement this def getImplementorNames(): # Change the string below to give your names. # This may be used in autograder program to make sure you get credit for your work. return "This solution was written by DONNA JONES AND MARY MACINTOSH" eg = ExploredGraph() eg.vertextest() print(getImplementorNames())