Homework 2 Clarifications
- Problem #2 For this question in general, the main thing you need
to do is to be able to compare two functions to see which one grows
faster. A couple of techniques that are useful in this respect are
things like taking the log of both sides, or treating both sides as
exponents when the base is something that leads to further
simplification. We are talking about "growth rate", thus another way
of thinking about these is saying find their running time in terms of
big O, and then order them by that. Do be careful if you use technique
like taking the log or treating both sides as exponents to realize
that rules like discarding coefficients don't necessarily apply after
you have made a transformation like that however.
- Problem #4: I have had a few people asking questions about whether
they are seeing what they should be seeing in their timing. Here are
a few pointers:
- Be sure that you have your code correct: In between the
two calls to System.nanoTime() you should only have the code that is
one of the loop bodies. Double check that you copied the code
correctly, that you have an n when you should and an i when you should
- these make a big difference in the running time.
- Run each loop several times: For each value of n that you
try, for each of the pieces of code you are trying, run it 3-4 times
or more. One thing you can do is to throw out the smallest and the
largest time you get and take an average of the remaining ones.
- Values for n: Be sure that you run each piece of code for
at least 4 different values of n. You do not have to use the exact
same values of n for each of the 5 pieces of code. For some pieces of
code you may not want to wait for it to finish for any value of n >
1000 (which is not actually a very large value of n). For other
pieces of code you will want to run for larger values in order to see
the trend for large n.
- Should my timing values map exactly (or even approximately?)
to a curve of some function of N? Shouldn't this be identical to what
I predicted the big-O running time to be? What if it isn't? Don't
worry if the timings you get don't match exactly what you
think they should be based on your big-O analysis. Hopefully you will
see that if you had based your choice of algorithm on big-O you still
would have made the right choice in terms of observed running times
(e.g. that one piece of code runs slower than another for large values
of N as big-O would have predicted). NOT nescessarily that the
observed running times of one piece of code exactly match a curve of
the big-O function you think represents that code. Look for relative
- I did everything you mention above but I still get crazy
values I don't understand. To some extent your answers will depend
on your machine. You may have multiple cores or only one. You may
have some other process running on your machine that is causing your
code to run more slowly (I would try to close other active programs
while timing.). In the end just be sure you have followed all the
instructions in the assignment, reported timing for at least 4 values
of n for each piece of code and have said *something* about what you
saw in your results even if they did not make complete sense to you.