Midterm #2 Study Guide
CSE 373: Data Structures & Algorithms
Winter 2009
Midterm Exam #2, Friday, February 27, 2009
Exam policies:
- Closed book, closed
notes. No Calculators allowed.
- The exam begins promptly at
2:30 and ends at 3:20.
Topics covered:
- Binary Heaps -
Findmin, Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of increase, decrease,
- D-heaps - Findmin,
Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of increase, decrease,
- Leftist Heaps and Skew
Heaps - Findmin, Deletemin, Insert.
Additional operations of merge, increase, decrease
- Disjoint
Union/Find. Up-trees. Weighted union (union by size) and path
- Dictionary ADT
- Hashing. Properties of good hash functions. Selecting hash table size. Separate chaining and open addressing. Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing,
& Double Hashing to resolve collisions. Rehashing.
- The memory
hierarchy. Temporal and spatial
locality. Data structure choice
and the memory hierarchy.
Sample midterm: (Note: no calculators will
be allowed on our exam)
Study suggestions:
- Do concrete problems
from the book and re-work problems from lecture and HW.
- Practice all the
operations on heaps, disjoint sets, hashing with various collision
resolution strategies.
- Although the focus
will be on material from lecture that was not covered on midterm #1 up
Hashing the Memory Hierarchy
(temporal and spatial locality), I will not expect that you have
forgotten material from midterm #1 completely. For example, I could ask you to compare
something to a data structure covered on midterm #1.
- Be prepared to
describe the running time of the operations on each data structure.
- This material
corresponds to: Chapters: 5 (not 5.7), 6 (not 6.8), and 8.