CSE373 Data Structures Wi07, Homework 7

Due online Saturday, 3/10/07, at 11 pm.
No late assignments will be accepted.

In this assignment we'll use the graph data structures from homework 6 to read a description of a graph and answer questions about it. In particular, you should use Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest paths in the graph.

What to Do

Write a program that reads a description of an undirected graph with weighted edges, then answers questions about paths in that graph. More specifically, the program should operate as follows:

You should use the graph implementation from the previous assignment as a starting point. You should also use your binary heap priority queue in your implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm. You may need to make some changes in the previous code, which is fine, but you shouldn't need to start over completely.

Extra Credit

A small amount of extra credit will be awarded for interesting extensions. Here are a few possibilities:

What to Turn In

You should turn in the following electronically: