CSE 373: Data Structures and Algorithms

Winter 2007

Course Information

Lectures: Mueller 153, MWF, 2:30-3:20.
Office hours: Perkins, CSE 548, MW, after class until about 4:30; Sang, CSE 220, 1:30-2:30 W, 1:00-2:00 Thur.


CSE 373 discussion board


Homework 1: due 1/11/07 at 11pm. Background reading: textbook sec. 3.6 (also 3.7) Electronic turnin form
Homework 2. due 1/20/07 at 11pm. Background reading: textbook secs. 3.5, 1.5. Electronic turnin form
Homework 3. due 1/26/07 at the beginning of class. Background reading: ch. 2, sec. 4.1-4.3
Homework 4: due 2/1/07 at 11pm. Background reading: sec. 4.1-4.4. Electronic turnin form
Homework 5: due 2/8/07 at 11pm (electronic), paper due at the beginning of class 2/9. Electronic turnin form
Homework 6: due 3/1/07 at 11 pm. Electronic turnin form
Homework 7: due 3/10/07 at 11 pm. Electronic turnin form


Midterm 2/12: topics, sample exams from winter 2006 (midterm 1 (solutions), midterm 2 (solutions))
Final 3/13: topics, sample final from winter 2006: exam sample solution

Class Materials

  1. Jan 3: Introduction:  slides
  2. Jan 5: Mathematical background:  slides Background reading: textbook ch. 2
  3. Jan 8: Mathematical background (cont)
  4. Jan 10: Lists & Java best practices:  slides   Sample code: BasicList.zip
  5. Jan 12: More on lists & Java best practices
  6. Jan 15: No class (MLK holiday)
  7. Jan 17: Trees (review): slides
  8. Jan 19: Java generics, inner classes, iterators; Binary search trees (mostly review): slides
  9. Jan 22: AVL trees: slides
  10. Jan 24: AVL trees
  11. Jan 26: AVL trees (wrapup), Splay trees: slides
  12. Jan 29: Tree iterators, splay trees
  13. Jan 31: Java generics (again), B trees (intro): slides
  14. Feb 2: B trees
  15. Feb 5: Tree wrapup, hashing
  16. Feb 7: Hashing (slides)
  17. Feb 9: Java equals and hashCode (no slides): Midterm review
  18. Feb 12: Midterm exam
  19. Feb 14: Priority queues and heaps (slides)
  20. Feb 16: Heapsort and heap operations (slides)
  21. Feb 19: No Class (Presidents' day holiday)
  22. Feb 21: Graphs (slides), directed graphs
  23. Feb 23: Topological sort (slides)
  24. Feb 26: Shortest paths (slides)
  25. Feb 28: Sets, union/find (slides)
  26. Mar 2: Spanning trees (slides)
  27. Mar 5: Spanning trees (concl.); sorting
  28. Mar 7: Sorting
  29. Mar 9: Review
Final exam: Tuesday, Mar. 13, 2:30 pm.