CSE 373 Winter 2006
Midterm 2 topics
You are responsible for everything covered in lecture and on the homework
up to the basic definitions for graphs. You
are not responsible for any specific readings in the book, but you should be
familiar with the material in the book relevant to these topics. The exam will
be biased towards topics covered since the first midterm, but may include earlier
material - particularly in comparing earlier topics to current ones. You are
still responsible for topics from the first midterm, even if they aren't covered
extensively on this one.
- Binary search trees and their operations (mostly review), particularly
insert, find, and remove
- Iterators for trees
- Balanced trees, particularly AVL and splay trees, but also the basic ideas
behind 2-4 trees and red-black trees
- Motivation - why are balanced trees important?
- Cost of operations - what are the asymptotic average and worst-case
costs? How much work is needed to do the balancing?
- What can the different trees look like? What are the relationships
between the number of nodes, shortest and longest paths, etc.?
- When are balancing operations performed?
- For balanced trees you should focus on:
- What do the
different balancing (rotation) operations look like, particularly for
AVL and splay trees? Know the diagrams - don't
memorize code, but be able to code up the details of any particular diagram
of the
standard ones or one that is given on the test) if you need to
- Be able to draw diagrams showing the results of various operations
(i.e., what happens if we search, insert,
or delete these values in a particular kind of tree)
- Know how to represent trees with Java data structures (objects),
both with and without stored pointers to parent nodes, and be able
to write code to
manipulate them
- Hashing
- Know the basic ideas behind computing and scaling hash functions to
select hash table buckets
- What makes a good hash function? (even distribution of keys among buckets,
fast to compute, etc.); how do you compute hash codes for compound objects?
- Colision handling - what happens when two or more keys have the same
hash value
- Load factor - what is it (# items / # buckets), why it should be fairly
small and how small should that be, rehashing to redistribute items
in a larger table if the load factor is too big
- Performance - what are the expected costs of various operations, particularly
insert, find, and remove?
- Java specifics - where are
and hashCode()
defined? How
should they be overridden in user-defined classes? What is the relationship
between equals(...)
and hashCode()
- Graphs
- Know the basic terminology such as nodes, edges (directed vs. undirected),