CSE373 Homework Submission PolicyThese policies generally apply to all programming parts of homework assignments. However, particular assignments may have specific instructions, which take precedence over these. Deadlines and procedures for other parts of homework assignments or other assignments will be announced as necessary. Web submission cut-offs are given in the instructions for each homework. Please clearly label your work (in comments for .java files) with the following information:
The above information should appear on everything you turn in. Late PolicySee syllabus Explanation of Turn-In MechanismWhen you submit your program using the web turn-in page, we immediately compile it using Sun's JDK compiler. The compiler warnings and errors, if any, are copied into the "receipt" page. If you see compiler errors, your program did not compile with our compiler. It is your responsibility to figure out why, to fix your program so that it will compile, and to go through the turn-in procedure again. You are free to turn in assignments more than once. Generally, only your last submission will be graded. Your program is generally not run at the time you turn it in. Instead, we may run it later, while grading it. |