CSE 373 Tentative Day by Day Schedule (Autumn 2006)

(This schedule is subject to change.)    Revised: 12-December-2006   Key to readings: W=Weiss, "Data Str. and Algs. in Java, 2d ed." (by pages); T=Tanimoto, "Supplementary Reading for CSE 373" (by chapter)
Week # Monday Wednesday  Friday
1 Sept 25: no class Sept 27: Lecture (in MUE 153). Course introduction, Assignment 1 given out. [W:1-2;T:c1] Sept 29: Lecture (in MUE 153). Review of Abstract Data Types, Stacks and Queues. Application of stacks to expression conversion (infix to postfix) and evaluation. Assignment 1 given out. [W:57-60,82-94]
2 Oct 2: Lecture (in MUE 153). Mathematical background 1: sets, relations, cartesian products, and functions. [T:c2] Oct 4: Lecture (in MUE 153). Mathematical background 2: Functional notation for ADTs, proofs by induction. [T:c3;W:3-11] Oct 6: Lab (in MGH 044). Assignment 1 due. Application of arrays and backtracking to Sudoku puzzles. Assignment 2 given out. [T:c4]
3 Oct 9: Lecture (in MUE 153). Describing algorithm running times. [W:29-50] Oct 11: Lecture (in MUE 153). Running times (continued). Oct 13: Lab (in MGH 044). Assignment 2 due. Introduction to Visible Data Structures in Java. Assignment 3 given out. [T:c5]
4 Oct 16: Lecture (in MUE 153). Trees. Proving properties of trees by induction. [W:101-111] Oct 18: Lecture (in MUE 153). Java implementation of trees. [W:112-122] Oct 20: Lab (in MGH 044). Assignment 3 due. Building expression trees. Assignment 4 given out.
5 Oct 23: Lecture (in MUE 153). AVL Trees. [W:123-134] Oct 25 Lecture (in MUE 153). Splay Trees. [W:135-145] Oct 27: Lab (in MGH 044). Assignment 4 due. Working with Splay trees. (Also, a quiz).
6 Oct 30: Lecture (in MUE 153). Document comparison. [T:c6]. Assignment 5 given out. Nov 1: Lecture (in MUE 153). B-Trees. [W:145-150] Nov 3: Lab (in MGH 044). Midterm exam.
7 Nov 6: Lecture (in MUE 153). Hashing. [W:150-152,169-194] Nov 8: Lecture (in MUE 153). Priority Queues. [W:201-216] Nov 10: Veterans Day Holiday
8 Nov 13: Lecture (in MUE 153). Sorting. [W:247-258]. Assignment 5 due. Assignment 6 given out. Nov 15: Lecture (in MUE 153). Sorting (continued). [W:258-274;T:c7] Nov 17: Lab (in MGH 044). Introduction to Connected Components.
9 Nov 20: Lecture (in MUE 153). Dynamic Equivalence Processing. [W:293-312]. Nov 22: Lecture (in MUE 153). Graph Algorithms 1. [W:317-344] Assignment 6 due. Assignment 7 given out. Nov 24: Day After Thanksgiving Holiday
10 Nov 27: Lecture (in MUE 153). Graph Algorithms 2. [W:344-355] Nov 29: Lecture (in MUE 153). Genetic algorithms and TSP. [T:c8] Dec 1: Lab (in MGH 044). Implementing graph algorithms: topological sorting, shortest path finding, minimum spanning trees, maximum flow.
11 Dec 4: Lecture (in MUE 153). Algorithm design: dynamic programming and the longest common subsequence. [W:418-421;T:c9]. Assignment 7 due. Dec 6: Lecture (in MUE 153). Review of graph algorithms. Dec 8: Lab (in MGH 044). Demonstrations
Dec 14 (Thursday): FINAL EXAMINATION 8:30-10:20