Lecture slides
Textbook information
Supplementary readings
Eclipse resources
Class discussion forum on INFACT (Activated with student accounts on Oct. 6)
CSE 373: Data Structures and Algorithms
The University of Washington, Seattle, Autumn 2006
Regular Meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays, 12:30-1:20, and Fridays, 12:30-1:20, 1:30-2:20 as follows:
  • Mondays in MUE room 153
  • Wednesdays in MUE room 153
  • Fridays in MGH room 044 (except Sept. 29 in MUE 153)
Instructor: Steve Tanimoto (Office Hours: M 2:30-3:20, F 3:00-4:00 in CSE 638).
Teaching Assistants: Cam Thach Nguyen
Tyler Robison (Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30 in Communications B022, Thursday 10:00-11:00 in the Paul Allen Center Atrium, and Friday 10:30-11:30 in the Paul Allen Center, room 218).
For email addresses click here.
Welcome to CSE 373! This quarter, for the first time, CSE 373 will be taught with the Friday meetings in a laboratory format. We expect this to help on a number of fronts: (1) This will help to make up for the lack of formal sections in this course, offering an opportunity for closer interaction among students and between students and staff. (2) It will permit hands-on programming activities to be performed in an environment where help is available on a regular basis.
We'll be using a powerful, free development tool: Eclipse 3.2. Students are not expected to have have prior experience with Eclipse, and so we plan to offer a brief introduction to Eclipse in class. Eclipse has excellent support for writing Java programs, including a code editor with syntax highlighting, automatic code assist, and help tracking down or preventing many common programming errors.
On Monday, October 2, from 5:00 PM to approximately 6:00 PM, we will have an optional extra session focusing on Eclipse 3.2. It will be held in Room B027 of the Communications Building. Our plan for the hour is for each student to start up Eclipse 3.2, create a new Java project, and get it working. We'll also take a look at some of Eclipse's facilities for finding errors and assisting in the writing of Java code.