CSE 373: Syllabus (Winter 2005)
Course Goals and Contents
The objective of this class is to
study the fundamental data structures and algorithms used in computer
Students will study advanced programming techniques and will learn to
the algorithms to determine their time and space requirements. By the end of the course, students should
have the skills necessary for selecting between existing data
structures and
algorithms, and for designing their own.
Major topics will include: mathematical tools for describing
algorithmic complexity; lists, stacks, and queues; general trees;
binary trees; binary search trees; balanced binary trees; heaps and
priority queues; hashing; graphs; B-trees (time permitting); union-find
algorithms (time permitting). The implementation of these data
structures and algorithms in Java will be studied and practiced.
In addition to the listed topics, a goal of the course is to improve
your ability to solve interesting problems through programming, by
recognizing when and how standard data structures can be used, and how
new data structures can be created for novel situations.
The course activities include lectures, tests, quizzes, homework
assignments of various types, and programming projects. Note that
there are no quiz sections. However, there are TAs assigned to
the course. You are encouraged to visit the professor and TAs
frequently to discuss course material and assignments.
Tentative weights: the following is an approximation to the formula
that will be used to
overall scores at the end of the quarter.
- Assignments (not including designated projects): 16
percent. These are primarily book exercises, but may include some
relatively small programming assignments.
- Projects (major programming plus intermediate steps, accompanying
documentation, demonstration, etc.): 20 percent.
- Service and Participation: 4 percent. This may include
peer reviews, selected in-class exercises, assistance to course staff,
and other class-related
- Quizzes: 10 percent
- Two Midterms: 30 percent total.
- Final Exam: 20 percent.
Late policy
Except in very unusual circumstances, late work will not be
Academic misconduct
Please review the Computer
Science and Engineering Academic Conduct Policy.
Some brief notes:
In each assignment, each student shall make an accurate and complete
of credit for the material presented. Any quotations must be marked as
quotations. Complete references must be given for each source of
used, whether the information came from the web, a printed book, or
verbal communication. Any direct help on an assignment must be
and attributed to the helper. Any apparent deliberate misrepresentation
will be treated as a case of academic misconduct and will be handled
according to standard procedures of the College of Arts and Sciences,
of Engineering, or other university division.
Computing Resources
Campus computing resources are available to CSE373 students through two
- the UW uniform access computing resources, esp. for
posting web pages. Most of the open labs, such as Odegaard, have a
programming environment installed.
- the MSCC computing
resources. The computer lab is
in the Communications Building, B022.
To use campus labs you will need a UWNetID. If you have been
enrolled at UW before, you know what this is about. If you are
new to UW or are a non-matriculated student, please check immediately
to make sure you have access; if you don't, take steps to make sure you
If you plan to use your own computer, you will need access to a Java
developement kit at least.
- personal computers and publically available Java compilers.
The recommended compiler for this course is the one in Sun
Microsystems' Java
Development Kit J2SE 1.4.2 for Windows or Linux. You can download
free of charge. The size of the download file is is about 49 MB.
- the Eclipse integrated development environment. To run this, you
need a reasonably powerful computer -- roughly a 1 GH processor and
512 MB of RAM. If you do not have a machine at this level, you
can either use the JDK tools from the command line, or you can
go to the MSCC lab and use Eclipse there.
The Eclipse software is available free from the eclipse.org web site.
To get started with Eclipse, take a look at their FAQ page.
For me, the most useful entry on the FAQ page was how
to write a Hello World program in Eclipse.
If you have not programmed before in Java, you must take steps
immediately to get caught up, not just on the language but on the tools
such as those mentioned above.
Other Resources
Students are encouraged to take advantage of the following categories
resources for this course:
- books, including the assigned textbook
by Goodrich and Tamassia, Data
Structures and Algorithms in Java, 3d ed published by Wiley.
If you join the IEEE Computer Society ($52 for student membership for
one year) you will get free access to an electronic version of
this book.
- the World Wide Web and its resources related to data structures,
algorithms, and programming.
Particular topic-oriented resources which have been useful in past
quarters. Possibly some of these won't be as relevant this
Class Email List
Each student should subscribe to the course email list.
Instructions for subscribing will be given later.
This list will serve both as a means of announcement
from the instructor and TAs and as a forum for discussing
issues. An archive
will be available on the web.