Last name: _____________________
Given name: ____________________
CSE373 Winter 2005
Miniquiz #4
Feb. 4, 2005
1 pt.. per question unless noted

Given the element values 8, 1, 30, 444, 202:

1a. (2 pts.) Draw a tree of five nodes with those values, such that the tree satisfies the heap property.

1b. Is the answer you gave in 1a unique, or are there multiple possible solutions?

A. unique
B. multiple

2. Draw a tree with those same values that does not satisfy the heap property.

3.  (2 pts.) Draw a tree with 4 nodes which is "complete".  You do not need to label the nodes.

4. Part of Homework 3 involves writing code to automatically solve the Towers of Hanoi puzzle.
A. True
B. False

5.  Like Homework 2, Homework 3 requires you to write and turn in some JUnit test code.
A. True
B. False

6. (3 pts.) What is true about the Mock-up?  Circle all that apply
A. It involves drawing something on paper
B. It is due Monday
C. It involves submitting some Java code

7. (1 bonus pt.) In the "Getting Started" section about 13 steps are listed.  How many have you finished?
A. 0
B. roughly 1-5
C. roughly 6-12
D. all!
E. This is a trick question -- there is no "Getting Started" section