Last name: _____________________
Given name: ____________________
CSE373 Winter 2005
Miniquiz #0 (Practice Quiz)
January 7. 2005

1. Which of the following was NOT a topic of the "Mathematical Background" handout?
A. functions   B. relations   C. sets   D. derivatives

2. With respect to Homework #1... (pick the closest answer to your situation)
A. I have read through it and started work
B. I have read through it only
C. I have just skimmed it
D. I am aware it is available but haven't looked at it yet
E. What homework?

3. According to the syllabus...
A. late homework is accepted with no penalty
B. late homework is accepted with a penalty
C. late homework is not accepted

4. Which is more fun?
A. Math   B. Computer Science  C. Watching TV