Directions To Run MixMatcher With The Tower Project:
- Download the new zip file here.
- Decompress the zip file. On some systems you can do this by
double-clicking; on others you might right-click to bring up a WinZip
option, or you might have to locate a program, etc. The result
will be a directory named tower. It is best if the path
on which this directory resides not contain any spaces (for
example, if you put it in My Documents you may have problems).
- To test your components against others posted on the web, you
need to put copies of your compiled (.class) files in the proper
places. Browse through the resultant tower directory and
read the various README.txt files to see which files to place
where. Note that you need to have .class files of your three
components, not .java files. If you are using DrJava, these are
probably easy to find -- in the same directory as the corresponding
.java files. If you are using Eclipse, it may not be so obvious
where the generated .class files are; it varies depending on how the
project is configured.
- Run the MixMatcher.jar file one of two ways.
- Double click MixMatcher.jar.
- Run it via the command line via:
$ java -jar MixMatcher.jar
where $ is your command prompt. You can also examine the possible
arguments by passing the '-help' argument.
The program should start immediately showing a window with several
main sections, each with a colorful list of files. - Select one
class file from each of the sections and press the
'Run' button. Immediately you should see the familiar
TowerStarter window.
- Goto step 5.
- If you managed to get to this step then you found a bug. Please
file a bug report.
- Seriously, stop.
But Steve, I'm too lazy to read the README.txt. Can you help?
Alright, I supppose I can help at that. Inside the
tower/files directory you'll see mvc373Hw3 and towerHw3. Both of these
should be familiar to you by this point. The mvc373Hw3 directory
contains the .class files from the interfaces that came with homework 3
while towerHw3 is where you put the .java files (and thus the .class
files) that you wrote. Inside towerHw3 you'll find the tcontroller,
tmodel, tstarter, and tview directories. The only one that contains a
.class file (actually it contains several) is the tstarter which was
distributed with the assignment.
To test your files without having to turn them in, put your
Tower*.class files in the appropriate directories and then goto step 4
Note: I said the .class files, not the .java
What is that crazy TowerProject.class file?
Good question. For now lets just say that it is required for
MixMatcher to work (try removing it and see what happens). Actually,
I'm quite proud of that file but it is really not important for this
assignment so don't worry about it.
Um, Steve, goto is not a standard English word.
Okay, now I'm just wasting time. What's your point? It's a perfectly
valid keyword in any number of languages (well, in some number of
languages at least) and frankly, I think it should be included in the
English language as something other than a sports player.
Stephen Checkoway
Last modified: Wed Feb 23 20:50:52 PST 2005