Help for first time users.
Turn in a single zip, jar or tar file containing the homework files. Remeber to archive so that they decompress into appropriate file structure, i.e. contains towerHw3 folder which contains tcontroller, tmodel, tview folders with appropriate files.
Your zip, jar or tar file:
The Receipt page will not contain source code. Please make sure to print all your files and submit with your report.
If there is no response immediately, please try to be patient for a few minutes. If you want to back out and try again, hit the Stop botton on the tool bar; please don't press the TURN IN button again until you've done this.
If there are errors, you'll be told, and you can turn-in again. You can turn in as many times as you wish; only the last turn-in will be graded. Previous turn-ins are not graded.