import java.util.*; /** * CSE 373 Prof. Martin Dickey
* Assignment 1 * * AnagramChecker * check whether two words are anagrams of each other * or if a word has any anagrams in a dictionary of words */ public class AnagramChecker implements IAnagramChecker { /** Determine whether one word is an anagram of the other. * Non-alphanumeric characters are ignored. The check is * case-insensitive. * @param word1 any non-null string. * @param word2 any non-null string. * @return true iff the second word is an anagram of the first. */ public boolean isAnagram(String word1, String word2) { //convert both word1 and word2 to lower case strings and screen off non-alphanumeric characters String word11 = normalize(word1); String word22 = normalize(word2); // If lengths are different, can't possibly be anagrams // If two strings are the same strings ignoring cases and non-alphanumeric characters, they are not anagrams if (( word11.length() != word22.length() ) || ( word11.equals( word22 ))) return false; HashMap counter = new HashMap(); //currently deal with word1LowerCase and word2LowerCase // Stores the occurrences of characters in the first string in a hashmap. for ( int i = 0 ; i < word11.length() ; i++ ){ Character ch = new Character(word11.charAt(i)); Integer count = (Integer) counter.get( ch ); if ( count == null ) counter.put( ch, new Integer(1)); else{ counter.put( ch, new Integer( count.intValue() + 1 )); } } // Subtracts the occurrences of characters in the second string in a hashmap. // If any occurrence of characters become negative, // this means there were more of this character in the second string, // therefore is not an anagram. for ( int i = 0 ; i < word22.length() ; i++ ){ Character ch = new Character(word22.charAt(i)); Integer count = (Integer) counter.get( ch ); if ( count == null || count.intValue() == 0 ) return false; else{ counter.put( ch, new Integer( count.intValue() - 1 )); } } // If program reached this point, it passed all the tests. return true; } /** Find all anagrams (if any) of a given word in a dictionary * (list) of words. * @param dictionary a non-null list of strings. * @param word a non-null string. * @return a list of all words from the dictionary which are * anagrams of the given word, using the same criteria as * in method isAnagram. The returned list may be empty but * not null. */ public List findAnagrams(List dictionary, String word) { List anagramList = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = dictionary.iterator(); while( iter.hasNext() ){ String s = (String); if ( isAnagram( word, s ) ) anagramList.add( s ); } return anagramList; } /** Strip non-alphanumeric characters from a string, and convert to * all lower-case. * @param word a non-null string * @return a string containing, in the same order as the original, * all and only the alphanumeric characters, lowercase. */ private String normalize(String word) { return word.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-z0-9]", ""); } }