Name: ________________________________

CSE373 Spring Quarter
University of Washington
Miniquiz #2
April 4, 2005
Closed book, closed notes, closed neighbor; no calculators
1 point per part except as noted

What is the final value of s3 in the following?

String s1 = "Mt.";

String s2 = "St. Helens";

String s3 = s1 + s2;

s2 = "Rainier";

  1. "St. Helens"
  2. "Rainier"
  3. "Mt.St. Helens"
  4. "Mt.Rainier"
  5. "s1 + s2"
notes and answers 
What is the value printed by the following?

int[] nums;  //line 1

nums[0] = 10; //line 2

nums[1] = 11; //line 3

nums[0] = nums[1]; //line 4

System.out.println(nums[0]); //line 5

  1. 10
  2. 11
  3. won't get to line 5 because of a compile error on line 2
  4. won't get to line 5 because of a run-time error on line 2
Some compilers will give you an error: "local variable may not have been initialized." If not, then there would be a run-time error.
StudentData stu; //line 1

stu = new StudentData("Rodney", 03277); //line 2

boolean enrolled = stu.checkStatus();  //line 3

stu.printout(); //line 4

  1. Which line or lines contain a declaration? __1, 3
  2. Which line or lines create an object? ___2
  3. Which line or lines send a message to an object? __3, 4.  2 won't be scored incorrect, although technically there is no object to send a message to until after the constructor has executed.
notes and answers 
Assuming that a string variable named fun has been declared and initialized, write an expression which puts the first character of that string into the variable first.

char first;

first = fun.charAt(0);

notes and answers 
In Homework #1, what are the arguments of the method normalize?
  1. (String[] dictionary) 
  2. (String [] dictionary, String originalWord)
  3. (List dictionary, String originalWord)
  4. (String originalWord)
  5. (char[] originalWord)
notes and answers 
If Homework #1 is too much for you, you may...
  1. work with a partner
  2. outsource it to India
  3. outsource it to WSU
  4. turn it in a day late with a small penalty
  5. turn it in a week late with a small penalty
  6. suffer
notes and answers 
(free bonus point)

The material in the Mathematical Background handout was...

  1. already completely familiar
  2. mostly familiar
  3. mostly unfamiliar
  4. completely unfamiliar
  5. I haven't had time to read it yet but plan to do so very soon
notes and answers