Temporary web site for

Data Structures and Algorithms
University of Washington
Spring, 2005

Instructor: Martin Dickey

A full web site will be built before the start of classes (March 28, 2005)

What's the course like?  A mixture of lectures and hands-on learning, designed to give you an understanding of many important and useful data structures, the algorithms appropriate to them, and practice in using them to solve problems.  Take a look at the websites of past quarters to get a better idea of what's involved.   The textbook is Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (3rd ed.) by Goodrich and Tamassia.

What do I need to know before taking this course?  The prerequisite is CSE143.  You must have a solid grasp of the material covered in CSE143.   If you know Java but are rusty on it, buy the textbook early: the first two chapters has a whirlwind review of the language.

What if I don't know Java?  If you are experienced with C++ or C#, you can make the transition with a couple of weeks of practice (ideally, before the quarter begins).  If you don't know Java, C++, or C#, you should probably take CSE143 here at UW to get yourself up to speed before attempting CSE373.  If in doubt, please come and talk to me.