CSE 373 Spring 2005
Homework X
Book It
May 9, 2005
Starter files
Never. These are suggested practice exercises to prepare you for the next
quizzes, for the midterm, and for future homeworks. Solutions won't be
posted, but you are welcome to discuss the problems and possible answers on the
Message Board, or to discuss them with staff in office hours.
Recommended textbook exercises:
Chapter 7, p. 347ff:
R-7.1, R-7.6, R-7.7, R-7.8, R-7.9, R-7.11, R.7.13, R-7.14, R-7.20, C-7.1,
Chapter 8, p. 401ff
R-8.3, R-8.4, R-8.5, R-8.6, R-8.6, R-8.11, R-8.12, R-8.13
Chapter 9, p.478
R-9.1, R-9.3, R-9.4, R-9.5, R-9.6, R-9.7, R-9.16a, C-9.1
Code Fun
In the code directory you will find a couple of JUnit
test cases for ObjectDQueue and StockBlock. Run them against the
implementations you turned in. If there is an error, diagnosis it and
reflect on the cause of the failure. Categorize the error as one of these:
- Error in the test class itself
- Error in the specification (meaning: the instructions on the web page
and/or comments in the starter code)
- Error in the starter code (other than comments)
- Misunderstanding of the specification
- Design error in your implementation
- Coding error in your code
- Other
Reflect on how the error might have been avoided. After fixing the
error, rerun the test. If there is another error, repeat the procedure.