CSE 373 Spring 2005

Homework #4

Investor's Helper

April 26, 2005

Starter files (now includes stockportfolio/CommandReader.class)
Javadoc including CommandReader class


electronically Thursday, May 5, 8:00 pm; paperwork at beginning of class the next day.  Note: for this and all homework where there are parters, only one person should do the electronic turn-in (specifying both parties names), and only one copy of any paperwork should turned in (with both parties names on all parts), unless otherwise instructed.

Note: the material below in red was added to the finalized version 4/28/2005.



The problem to be solved is based upon one in the G&T textbook: P.4-10, page 198.  Start by reading it if you haven't already.  For this homework, there are some differences from the problem as stated there, and also some specific implementation requirements.  It is likely that this problem will be expanded upon in a future homework.

The overall application is conceived as managing a stock portfolio, which is a collection of stocks that have been bought over time.  The portfolio is modified by executing buy and sell transactions.  The capital gain is computed for each sell transaction.

Problem additions and changes:

Implementation requirements

Getting Started:

Turn in:

On Friday, April 29 in class (no electronic turn-in is involved): a sheet contain the names of the partners and a Team Moniker (nickname by which this team is known).  If for some highly unusual reason you are working alone, you must still turn in a sheet of paper stating this fact, and the reason.

On Monday, May 2, in class (no electronic turn-in is involved): A list (or better yet, a diagram), of all the classes you expect to implement or modify, showing the relationships between them, and their relationship to the starter classes/interfaces.  There is no special format for this list/diagram, except that it should be easy to read and understand.  It may be freehand.  If you are familiar with UML, you may use that format (leave out most of the UML detail except class/interface names and relationships).  For each class you expect to implement, indicate its implementation status as of that moment:

The electronic turn in is as mentioned previously, Thursday, May 5.   Please zip up all your source files and turn in one .zip file.  Click Here to Turn-in  Recommendation: turn in early and often!
On paper in class the next day: a printed copy of the "receipt" from your turn-in.   Plus: a short report which


Most of the grading points will come from
Good luck and have fun!

If you have questions along the way, either about the assignment or how to do things, feel free to discuss it on the Message Board (when it is operational!).  Just don't give away code, or any crucial aspects of the solution.  It is perfectly OK to share insights about using the Java libraries.

Where applicable, write your code to be reusable and modifiable.  In a later homework, you might in fact have an opportunity to reuse or modify code from this one...