CSE 373 Spring 2005

Homework #1

Spell Checker (I)

March 31, 2005


electronically Thursday, April 7, 8:00 pm; paperwork at beginning of class Friday.  (What is "paperwork"?  This will differ from assignment to assignment.  It means anything which is supposed to be handed in on paper rather than electronically.  Read the instructions to identify such items).



Remember our discussion of designing a word processor?  In this exercise you will implement code to display and spell-check a document.  Only a very simple version will be needed now; a later assignment will make things more interesting.  In addition to the basic functional code, you will have to write certain test and driver code, as well as preparing a short report on your results.

Most of the specification details can be gleaned by studying the code and comments in the starter code provided.  In particular, there is an interface called ISpellChecker.  You must write a Java class named MySpellChecker which implements this interface (in the technical sense, using the implements keyword).   There is also an IDocument interface.  You must implement this in a class called MyDocument.  You will find other required code mentioned in the files and elsewhere in this write-up.  

Pay special attention to the comments in the starter code.  It has much important information which is not duplicated elsewhere.

You must use the exact names for classes and methods as specified here and in those files.   You cannot declare a constructor except the one mentioned in the interface comments.  You cannot create additional .java files.   You may not modify any interfaces in this or other assignments (you can't turn in modified versions).  None of your methods should require any user input of any kind, or any data files (this will change in later versions of the program).

You can have additional helper methods as needed; ordinarily these should be private.  You can define additional classes but only if they are internal to the specified .java files.

Note that the code files are in a package called SimpleSpeller.  You must preserve this package structure.  Sometimes IDEs (like Eclipse or DrJava) will "helpfully" strip out or modify the package statements.  Don't let this happen!  If you don't have the right package structure, your .java files won't compile when you try to turn them in.

Do not use any graphics for this project.

For this and any other assignment in CSE373, you are free to use any standard Java library class, and to use any method of those classes (unless there is some explicit instruction to the contrary).   Getting familiar with the standard Java libraries is an essential skill for today's Java programmers.  You should not use any library, class, or code aside from this (for example, something you found on the Internet or written by someone outside the class).

For this particular assignment, each student should work alone, without seeing each other's code.  In some future projects we may pair you up to work together.

You may have used JUnit in the past.  Although this assignment involves writing a test method, you won't use JUnit for it (you will in a later assignment).  Instead, expand and improve the classes TestSpeller and TestDocument.  In particular, make the main method of TestSpeller as complete and thorough test of the Speller as possible.  It should be able to detect if there is any error in any implementation of ISpellChecker, not just yours.  TestDocument should also be expanded, but it won't be weighted as much in the grading.

Turn in:

Electronically: four .java files: Click Here to Turn In.
On paper: a printed copy of the "receipt" from your turn-in, which automatically includes printouts of the .java files.  Plus: a short report which


Most of the grading points will come from
Good luck and have fun!

If you have questions along the way, either about the assignment or how to do things, feel free to discuss it on the Message Board (when it is operational!).  Just don't give away code, or any crucial aspects of the solution.  It is perfectly OK to share insights about using the Java libraries.

Where applicable, write your code to be reusable and modifiable.  In a later homework, you might in fact have an opportunity to reuse or modify code from this one...