Main topic areas, in decreasing order of emphasis:
Specific recommended textbook exercises for recent topics:
Chapter 9: R-9.4, R-9,5m R-9.6. Textbook doesn't give a lot of practice with AVL trees, so you should make up your own practice problems.
Chapter 10: C-10.1, C-10.2, C-10.4, C-10.10, C-10.11 (don't assume anything about the integer values).
Chapter 12: R-12.1 to R-12.8, R-12.11, R-12.12, R-17, R-18, R-19, C-12.1
There are many other exercises in the "C" sections of chapters 10 and 12 which would be good overall course review questions. Some of these are the types of questions that come up in job interviews at places like Microsoft and Amazon, by the way!