Name: ________________________________

CSE373 Spring Quarter
University of Washington
Midterm Exam #1 with notes and answers
April 22, 2005
Closed book, closed notes, closed neighbor; no calculators
2 points per part except as noted

Study this code:
      String[] a = new String[3];
      String[] b = a;
      a[0] = "0a";
      a[2] = "2a";
      b[0] = "0b";
      b[1] = "1b";
      b[2] = a[0] + a[1] + a[2]

The final value of b[2] is...

  1. error, because b is null
  2. error, because a[1] is null
  3. 0a1b2a
  4. 0b1b2a
  5. 0anull2a

a and b refer to the exact same object.

. (1 pt.)
List mlist = new ArrayList();

Does this work?

  1. yes, because every List is an ArrayList
  2. yes, because every ArrayList is a List
  3. no -- type mismatch
notes and answers 
Let S = {a,b,c,d}.  Let R = {(a,a), (b,b), (c,d), (c,a), (d,c)}.  For each property, state whether R has the property (YES/NO); if not, explain why.
  1. anti-symmetric                                       



B. a function (domain and range S)




a) no, having both (c,d) and (d,c) violate the requirement

b) no, the value c participates as the left member (operand) of two ordered pairs in the relation.

. (3 pts.)
Here is a Java method:
        public static int calc(int x, int y) {
            if (x > y) return x-y;
            else return y-x;

A relation R between ints can be defined by saying: (a,b) are in R if and only if calc(a,b) <= 3.

Is R an equivalence relation?  First state what an equivalence relation is, and then explain why R is one or not.


NO -- .  

(1 pt.) A e.r. is one which is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.  

(2 pts.) This relation is not transitive (it is reflexive and symmetric).  A pair of ints (x,y) is in R if |x-y| <=3.  (0,3) and (3,6) are both in R, but (0,6) is not.

If you wanted to write out R in set notation you might say

R = {(x,y) elt (Int,Int) : |x-y| <= 3}


R = {(0,-3) (0,-2), (0,-1), (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3),

(1,-2) (1,-1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4),

(2,-1) (2,0), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5),

(3,0), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6),

(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (4,5), (4,6), (4,7),

(-1,-4), (-1,-3) (-1,-2), (-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1), (-1,2),

(-2,-5), (-2,-4), (-2,-3) (-2,-2), (-2,-1), (-2,0), (-2,1),

(-3,-6), (-3,-5), (-3,-4), (-3,-3) (-3,-2), (-3,-1), (-3,0),

(-4,0), (-4,-6), (-4,-5), (-4,-4), (-4,-3) (-4,-2), (-4,-1), ...}


. (4 pts.)
Suppose the following is part of a class which implements a stack using an internal ArrayList.
public void push(Object value) {
Assuming that what you see is a complete and correct implementation of push, write code for top within the same class.  Make no assumptions about the class except what you can reasonably deduce from the code shown.
/** Return the current top of the stack, or null if the stack is empty*/
Analysis of push:  The instance variable theList must hold the stack.  Since the add method places a new value at the end of a list, the top of the stack is at the end.  Push and top must therefore take the value from the end.

public Object top() {

    int last = this.theList.size() -1;

    if (last < 0) return null;

    else return this.theList.get(last);


1 pt. method signature, general Java

1 pt. null check

2 pt. locating the last element and returning it

Give the correct postfix corresponding to the following Java infix expression

1 + 2 - 3 * 4

  1. 1 2 3 4 + - *
  2. 1 2 3 4 * + -     
  3. 1 2 (3 4 *) + -
  4. 1 2 + 3 4 * -
  5. 1 2 + 3 - 4 *

The precedence in Java (and ordinary math) is * before +.  Postfix does not use parentheses. 

Consider the stack-based algorithm for checking expressions which have balanced pairs of (), {}, and [].

The following expression

{ ( )  { (  ( [ ] [ ] ) ) } }

has 15 symbols, the 7th of which is a [.  Show the contents of the stack just after this [ has been processed by the algorithm.  Please label the stack to indicate where the top is.

answer here:

{ { ( ( [ 

with the top on the right 

Given an initially empty queue of characters, what character is at the front of the queue after this series of pseudo-code operations:
        x = dequeue()
        x = dequeue()
        x = dequeue()
  1. 'a'
  2. 'b'
  3. 'c'
  4. 'd'
  5. 'e'
  6. 'x'
C.  The full queue (front to rear) is c d e a 
In the Big-O sense, rank these functions best to worst.  Then pick the second worst.
  1. 3 log n + n 
  2. n + 2 n2 + 1 
  3. 2 log n
  4. n log n
  5. n2  + log n
    corrected to n3  + log n
The correction on E was made during the test.

2 log n is just n.

The sequence best to worst is C/A, D, B, E

In the definition of Big-O as we learned it, n0 and c occur.  If f(n) = 100 and g(n) = 2n+4, and we wish to show that f(n) is O(g(n), what value of n0 will work in the definition if c is chosen to be 1? 
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 100
  5. no value can be chosen, since it it not true that f(n) is O(g(n)
The smallest value (the cutover point) is found by setting f = g.  Any value greater than that is a correct answer. 
There are a number of strategies for implementing a queue.  Among the choices listed, which one has the worst time complexity (in the Big-O sense) for the enqueue operation?
  1. using an array, with a fixed maximum allowed queue length
  2. using an array, with an unlimited maximum queue length
  3. using a linked list, with separate front and rear pointers, with the front of the queue being the first element of the list
  4. using a linked list, with separate front and rear pointers, with the front of the queue being the last element of the list
In A and B, note that it is the queue that has the fixed or unlimited length, not the array used to implement the queue.  In the worst case, when the array is full, and the queue length is unlimited, an enqueue operation requires creating a new array and copy the old elements to it -- a O(N) operation where N is the current size of the queue.

For the linked list implementations, a enqueue can be done in constant time since it just involves creating a new link and adjust the rear pointer to point to it.

Which one of the following is NOT true about using JUnit? 
  1. The test class must extend a particular class
  2. The test class name must adhere to a special convention
  3. The test method names must adhere to a special convention
  4. The test methods may use any Java statement (including assert if running 1.4 or above)
C.  Test method names must start with "test...", but the class name can be anything, as long as it extends TestCase.
Study this method:
 static void arrayMyst(int[] dnums, int x) {
            if (x < 0) return x;
            if (dnums[x] > 0) return x;
            return arrayMyst(dnums, x-1);

Suppose we have these parameter values:

int[] numsA = new double[] {3, 2, -1, 4, -7, 8};

int x = 4;

  1. What is the value of arrayMyst(numsA, x) ? ______

B. Give a value for x so that the value of arrayMyst(numsA,x) is  0, or explain why that is not possible.

A. 3

B. x = 0 

. (6 pts.)
The capitalization of a word can suggest how to check its spelling.  For example, if a word has only capital letters, maybe it should be looked up in a special acronym dictionary.

Implement the following method recursively (no loops allowed).  You may define and implement a helper method if desired (no loops in it, either!)  Note: there is a static method Character.isUpperCase(char c) which returns true iff c is an upper case letter.

/**Count the number of capital letters in a word.
        @param word a non-null string
        @return the number of capital letters in the string */
public static int countCaps(String word) {
A helper method is needed for any efficient implementation.  With the original parameters, there is no way to tell how much of the string has been examined.  The only alternative would be to create a new string (a substring of the original) and pass it to countCaps; this is inelegant and inefficient.

By the way, instead of writing Character.isUpperCase(c) you could simply say

c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'.  A trick like this will work in most languages and is handy when you don't know what library methods are available.

public static int countCaps(String word) {
     return helper(word, 0);
/** Count the number of upper case characters in the word, starting at
the position given. */
public static int helper(String word, int pos) {
     if (pos >= word.length()) {
        return 0;
     int currentVal = 0;
     if (Character.isUpperCase(word.charAt(pos))) {
         currentVal = 1;
     return currentVal + (helper(word, pos+1));