CSE 373 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Teaching Assistants:
Meeting Times:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:30 - 12:20 , MUE 153
The midterm will be Friday, February 13.
Midterm Review List
Question/Answer Session: Thursday, Feb 12, 5-6pm, MEB 103
The final exam will be WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. in our classroom.
Final Review List and
Practice Problems for Up-Trees and Kruskal.
There are all the lecture slides in ppt and pdf.
There will be a weekly assignment, either exercises or programming
"projects". Details on the format for the exercises
and turn-in for the projects will be given at the time of the
CSE 373 E-Post Group
The CSE 373 E-Post Group
is a way to have threaded discussions about topics
related to the course and to seek help for technical problems in the projects.
CSE 373 E-mail Group
To subscribe cse373@cs.washington.edu
the CSE 373 e-mail,
or review the archive, go to
CSE 373 e-mail. The main purpose of the e-mail group is to post
announcements from the instructors. Students in the class may post
announcements by sending e-mail to the class mailing list cse373@cs.washington.edu,
which is moderated to avoid inadvertent or inappropriate e-mail. Students may
also send emails to the class staff mailing list cse373-staff@cs.washington.edu,
which is only visible to the instructor and TAs.
Text Books
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in JAVA by Mark Allen Weiss,
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., Reading MA, 1999 (also available in C++).
Tentative Grading Weights
- Weekly assignments (25%)
- Midterm exam (20%)
- Projects (25%)
- Final exam (30%)
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Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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