CSE 373: Syllabus (Spring 2004)


The following is an approximation to the formula that will be used to determine overall scores at the end of the quarter.

Late policy

Academic misconduct

In each assignment, each student shall make an accurate and complete attribution of credit for the material presented. Any quotations must be marked as quotations. Complete references must be given for each source of information used, whether the information came from the web, a printed book, or personal verbal communication. Any direct help on an assignment must be mentioned and attributed to the helper. Any apparent deliberate misrepresentation will be treated as a case of academic misconduct and will be handled according to standard procedures of the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, or other university division.


Students are encouraged to take advantage of the following categories of resources for this course: Particular topic-oriented resources:

Class Email List

Each student should subscribe to the course email list. Instructions for subscribing will be given later. This list will serve both as a means of announcement from the instructor and TAs and as a forum for discussing course-related issues. The archive will be available on the web.