Spring 2004 |
Syllabus (including links to reference material)
373, Spring 2004
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Home Page | |
Steve Tanimoto
Office: 638 Allen Center Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-2:20 & Fridays 3:00-4:00 or by appointment. e-mail: tanimoto@cs Phone: (206) 543 4848 Teaching Assistants:
Erik Vee and Artem Zhurid
Class Meeting Times and Location:
AnnouncementsMay 12. The slides on disjoint set operations mention that the reading for this unit is "to be announced." The reading is optional. Either read pp.520-528 in Goodrich and Tamassia, 3rd ed., or read a combination of pp.461-464 in the 2nd edition plus the following online lecture notes for a lecture on data structures for disjoint sets given at the Univ. of Illinois. By some strange coincidence that course also has the number 373. April 7. Here are answers to some questions that have come up during Assignment 1. (a) The pseudocode we use should be similar in style to that shown on the lecture slides. Those who want more details can consult this pseudocode guide. In Assignment 1, we are not going to be picky about pseudocode, provided your algorithm is clear enough. (b) By a formal description, we mean a functional description similar to that shown on the yellow worksheet handed out on March 31 entitled "Using Mathematical Functions to Describe the Methods of Abstract Data Types." For each method then, you need to give two expressions: one showing the function name, its domain and its range, and the other showing how an element of the domain gets mapped to a corresponding element in the range. March 29. If you have not yet done so, please subscribe to the class mailing list. To do that, visit the web signup form. Mar 29. Welcome to CSE 373! | |
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Contact the instructor at: tanimoto@cs.washington.edu