In this programming assignment, you will have to build a "mini-database" and give a user the capability of performing some simple queries.
The most common databases are so-called relational databases
which are sets of records. Our database
will be a class list with each record corresponding to
a student enrolled in the class. Enrollment is limited
by Classsize = 100. Each record has several fields
called attributes. The records we will use will have 3 attributes:
Attributes can be unique or non-unique. In our case, StudentNumber,
an integer with 4 digits, is unique,
i.e., no two students have the same number.
The first digit of Student number indicates the academic
age of the student, with 1 for Freshman, 2 for Sophomore, 3 for
Junior, 4 for Senior and 8 for Graduate student.
On the other hand Grade, which will be an integer between 0 and 40, is non-unique since several students can have the same grade.
Finally, LastName in real life is not unique but will be unique for this assignment. LastName will be between 2 and 8 characters.
To provide rapid access to data, database systems use indexes. Each index allows the database to be searched (efficiently) on a selected attribute called the key of that index. In our example, StudentNumber is the primary key, because it is unique, but indexes can also be built with other keys, unique or not, when fast access on those keys is desired.
In this assignment you will need to build the database and query it subsequently using 3 indexes (recall that the db has a maximum of 100 records):
The first part of the assignment is to Build the database
and the 3 indexes. The database will be given in the file db.txt
with one record per line. Each record will have an integer
(for StudentNumber), a string (for LastName), and another integer
(for Grade) and a carriage return
to end the line. For example, the first two lines of db.txt could be:
1234 JOE 35
4321 MARY 38
Once read in from db.txt
the database should be stored in an Array of records, say db
(Note, as said earlier, that the array is limited to 100 entries).
If the program were written in pseudocode, we could say
something like:
db[0 .99] : record array; //record has 3 fields
...if db[i].StudentNumber = 1234 then
Once the array has been created, or while creating it (this is your choice), you should build the 3 indexes mentioned above. An entry in each of the indexes should have a field referring to the corresponding entry in the Array. For example, the unique node in bstnumt with value "4321" should have a field indicating that the remainder of the record is stored in db[1].
After building the indexes, you should write methods to answer the following queries:
These queries should be menu driven, i.e., once the database and indexes have been built, a menu of queries should appear on the screen and the user should be able to select one of the above queries as well as having the possibility to quit. (An example of such an interface can be found in the method of CSE 142 Autumn 2002 Homework 3.)
In addition to YOUR SUPERBLY DOCUMENTED PROGRAMS, you should include a README file indicating how to compile and run your program and whether we should be aware of something out of the ordinary.
(1) The main method must be in or Dbq.cpp.
(2) We will run your program only in command line:
java Dbq db.txt (or for C++: Dbq db.txt)
In summary, your program should build a database based on db.txt, build the 3 indexes, and then display a menu with the three required options and any additional query you wish.
You can use either Java or C++. You can use any source code given
on the Web sites of the book (see CSE 373 "For more info" page).
For additional information on java, the following link will be useful:
Instructions for Turn-in will be given later.