CSE as AND gate University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 373 - Assignments - Autumn 2003
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During the quarter you will have:

For the dry assignments, algorithms should be written in pseudo-code (like in the lectures). Here is the pseudo-code manual.
Follow these guidelines for formatting and submission of all dry assignments.

For the wet assignments, you can use the Math Sciences Computing Center (be sure to read the procedures on how to save your files on Dante, etc.) or any other facility available to you. You are encouraged to program in Java but C++ programs will be accepted too (without penalty).
Details on the turn-in for these projects will be given at the time of each assignment.

Late assignments will not be accepted unless there is prior approval.

Partner finding
The list of students that are looking for a partner to work with on the wet assignments is here.

Home Assignments      

Dry assignment #1 ( word, pdf). Due October 10. Solutions ( word, pdf).

Dry assignment #2 ( word, pdf). Due October 17. Solutions ( word, pdf).

Wet assignment #1 ( word, pdf). Due October 16 (team formation) and October 24 (full assignment). Here are instructions for the electronic portion of the submission. You need to also do the paper submission in class.

Dry assignment #3 ( word, pdf). Due November 7. Solutions ( word, pdf).

Dry assignment #4 ( word, pdf). Due November 14. Solutions ( word, pdf).

Wet assignment #2 ( word, pdf). Due November 14 (team formation) and November 21 (full assignment).

Dry assignment #5 ( word, pdf). Due December 5. Solutions ( word, pdf).

Wet assignment #3 ( word, pdf). Due December 4 (team formation) and December 10 (full assignment). Here are instructions for the electronic portion of the submission. You need to also do the paper submission in class.


CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to tami@cs.washington.edu]