Bin Sort, Radix Sort, Sparse Arrays, and Stack-based Depth-First Search


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Table of Contents

Bin Sort, Radix Sort, Sparse Arrays, and Stack-based Depth-First Search


Bin Sort (a.k.a. Bucket Sort)

Bin Sort: The Algorithm

Bin Sort: Example

Bin Sort: Example after 1st record has been inserted

Bin Sort: Example after all records have been inserted

Bin Sort: Example after all lists have been concatenated

Bin Sort: Comments

Bin Sort: Time and Space

Can Bin Sort be Adapted for Large N?

Radix Sort

Radix Sort: Example

Radix Sort: Why does it work?

Radix Sort: Time and Space

Radix Sort: Alternative radices

Radix Sort: Irregular Subkeys

Sparse Arrays

Sparse Arrays (Cont.)

Sparse Array Example

Sparse Arrays (Alternatives)

Stacks (Review)

Representing a Maze

Stack-Based Maze Solving

Stack-Based Maze Solving (Comments)

Author: Steven L. Tanimoto


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