The New CSE 373Winter 2002 |
Why Is This Page Purple? (see the announcements at the bottom of the page). |
Syllabus (including links to reference material)
373, Winter 2002
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Home Page | |
Steve Tanimoto
Office: 314 Sieg Hall Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30-2:20 or by appointment. e-mail: tanimoto@cs Phone: (206) 543 4848 Teaching Assistants:
Mausam and Xin (Luna) Dong.
Class Meeting Times and Location:
AnnouncementsMar 3. Assignment 6 is cancelled so that students can work on projects. However, we will continue to have worksheets some of which are to be completed between classes. Mar 3. Office hours for Steve this week: Friday, Mar 8, 10:00-11:00, and 1:30-2:20 (not Mon. or Wed.). Feb 20. Reminder: The date of Quiz 2 was changed to Friday, March 1. Feb 20. Here is a list of students in the class, in case you are working on getting into a group. Here are the groups and topic intentions as of today. Jan 30. The special session on Java applets with timing control (and any other Java topics that come up) will be held in Communications B-027 on Thursday, January 31, from 4:30 to 5:20. Jan 23. Steve Tanimoto's office hour will be 2:15-2:50 on this day, due to groups visiting and a faculty candidate talk. Jan 22. An optional extra session is scheduled for this day at 11:30 in B-027 Communications Building. The focus will be Java and applets, and it will be similar to the extra session held on Thursday. Jan 17. If you have not yet done so, please subscribe to the class mailing list. To do that, send a message to and put the word subscribe on the subject line. You should receive a message back almost immediately, and you need to respond to that message to confirm your subscription. Jan 15. Here's a solution to the Abstract Data Type description exercise from class on Jan 14. Jan 14. You are all invited to attend a talk dealing with current research in data structures and algorithms by one of the world experts in this area. Here are the particulars. TITLE: "My Favorite Problems in Data Structures and Algorithms." DATE: Tuesday, January 15, 2002. TIME: 3:30 pm. PLACE: 134 Sieg Hall. HOST: Anna Karlin. ABSTRACT: Turing Award Winner Robert Tarjan will review several problems that he has worked on over the years and found especially intriguing. The emphasis will be on problems still in need of solution. Jan 1. The language for programming assignments and examples in this course will be Java. Students who are new to Java are encouraged to get their hands on a good Java book, such as "Learning Java" (published by O'Reilly) and read about classes, inheritance, interfaces, the Java 1.1 event model, and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit. The recommended Java software is Sun's Java Development Kit, version 1.1.8. Although this version does not support the latest Java features, most browsers do a pretty good job of running Java 1.1 applets without the need to install a special plug-in. Using an integrated development environment such as Visual J++, Forte, JBuilder or Code Warrior is not needed for this course; however, students with prior experience using these systems may use them if desired, and provided they can generate code that will meet the requirements of the assignments. Dec. 31. Why is this page purple? To make it different! The course is different! This quarter, the course structure is designed to focus on learning data structures and algorithms in context. The course is designed to give each student an opportunity to learn and use inquiry and communication skills appropriate to 21st century learning: searching for information and evaluating it, working in teams, taking initiative and responsibility for learning, creating programmatic demonstrations that work on the World Wide Web, writing coherently, and giving effective oral presentations of technical material. Research in teaching and learning indicates that these kinds of active participation in the educational process by students leads to more effective learning. Furthermore, industrial employers have been asking schools to turn out graduates with these sorts of skills. If this plan is consistent with the kind of educational experience you would like to have, do try to take the course this quarter. If you would prefer a more traditional format with student responsibilities limited to attending lectures, turning in written assignments, and taking examinations, consider taking the course in another quarter. | |
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