CSE 373, Autumn 2002: Homework 3

Due 10/25/02

For all program or data structure design problems such as the two below you must provide pseudocode (see the manual) and an adequate explanation of the methods. It is often helpful to include small examples demonstrating the methods. Straight pseudocode with no additional documentation is not enough.  Your pseudocode can contain English if needed.  Each problem should be answered on a separate sheets of paper so they can be graded by different TAs.  Your name should be at the top of every page.
  1. (10 points) It is often handy to store a binary tree in a file. Assume each node in the binary tree contains a character string. Assume also that all operations you need on strings are provided. For example, you do not need to design algorithms to test if a string equals ".", to write a string into a file, or to read a string from a file. To create the file in preorder file format do a preorder traversal of the tree, when a node is visited put the character string in the file followed by a newline and when a null is visited put a dot, ".", followed by a newline. For example, the tree
                                /   \
                               b     c
                              /    /   \
                             d    e     f
    is stored as the file "a b d . . . c e . . f . ." where spaces indicate newlines.
  3. (10 points) Using an in-order traversal it is quite easy to output all the data in a binary search tree in order. Design an algorithm which when given a binary search tree and two numbers x and y outputs all the data items z in order with the property that x <= z <= y. If the tree has height d then the total time to output should be O(d + k) where k is the number of data items output by the call. You should argue that your algorithm takes that much time. Hint on the analysis:  the visited nodes are found to the right of one path in the tree and to the left of another.