CSE logo University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 373 - Data Structures and Algorithms
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Teaching Assistants:

Tentative Course Syllabus

Meeting Times:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:30 - 1:20 , Gould 322


Assignments are due on Friday (late assignments not accepted without prior approval). Algorithms should be given in pseudocode. See the pseudocode manual for help.
Assignment 1, Due 10/11/02
Assignment 2, Due 10/18/02
Assignment 3, Due 10/25/02
Assignment 4, Due 11/1/02
Assignment 5, Due 11/22/02
Assignment 6, Due Monday, 12/2/02
Assignment 7, Not to be turned in


There will be four programming assignments which can be done in either C++ or Java.

Project 1 due Monday, October 28th at 11:30 pm. Turn-in Directions
Project 2 (pdf) , Project 2 (doc) due Wednesday, November 13th at 11:30 pm. Turn-in Directions
Project 3 Code due Thursday, December 5th at 11:30 pm and paper due in class Friday, December 6th Turn-in Directions


9/30/02 - 10/6/02: Chapters 1 and 2, pages 1 - 55
10/7/02 - 10/13/02: Chapter 3, pages 56 - 98
10/14/02 - 10/20/02: Chapter 4, pages 99 - 130
10/21/02 - 10/27/02: Chapter 4, pages 130 - 153, Chapter 5, pages 155 - 182
10/28/02 - 11/3/02: Chapter 6, pages 183 - 224
11/11/02 - 11/17/02: Chapter 7, pages 225 - 267
11/18/02 - 11/24/02: Chapter 8, pages 269 - 290
11/24/02 - 12/1/02: Chapter 9, pages 291 - 337


Lectures are posted in pdf format in full size (full size) and 6 slides per page (thumbnails).

Lecture 1: Introduction - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 2: Basics on Pointers - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 3: Lists - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 4: More Lists - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 5: Fundamentals - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 6: Stacks and Queues - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 7: Trees - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 8: AVL Trees - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 9: Splay Trees and B-Trees - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 10: Hashing - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 11: Binary Heaps - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 12: Binomial Queues - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 13: Sorting Introduction - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 14: Divide and Conquer Sorting - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 15: Sorting Lower Bound and Radix Sort - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 16: Memory Performance of Algorithms - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 17: Disjoint Union / Find - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 18: Graph Introduction - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 19: Topological Sort - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 20: Graph Searching - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 21: Shortest Paths - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 22: K-D Trees - full size, thumbnails
Lecture 23: Grand Review - full size, thumbnails

CSE 373 E-Post Group

The CSE 373 E-Post Group is a way to have threaded discussions about topics related to the course and to seek help for technical problems in the projects.

CSE 373 E-mail Group

To subscribe the CSE 373 e-mail or review the archive go to CSE 373 e-mail. The main purpose of the e-mail group is to post announcements from the instructors. Students in the class may also post announcements by sending e-mail to cse373@cs.washington.edu. The e-mail is group is moderated to avoid inadvertent or inappropriate e-mail.

Text Books

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in JAVA by Mark Allen Weiss, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., Reading MA, 1999

Midterm Exam

Friday, November 8, 2002
Midterm study guide

Final Exam

8:30-10:20 a.m., Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Final Exam study guide

Tentative Grading Weights

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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