
CSE373 Description

Syllabus (including links to reference material)

Lecture Slides

Tentative Course Schedule


Quizzes and Exams


CSE 373, Winter 2001
Data Structures and Algorithms
Home Page 
Instructor: Steve Tanimoto
Office: 314 Sieg Hall
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 2:30-3:20 or by appointment. 
e-mail: tanimoto@cs
Phone: (206) 543 4848

Teaching Assistants: Rabi Lahiri, Bret Sherman, Dennis Kehl-Fie, Jia-chi Wu.
Office: normally 226b Sieg Hall 
Office Hours: Rabi Lahiri: Mon. 10:30-11:20 and Fri. 12:30-1:20; Dennis Kehl-Fie: Fri. 9:30-10:20 in Sieg 226a; J.C. Wu: Mon. 3:30-4:30. 
e-mail: beni@csbret@csdenniskf@csjcwu@cs

This quarter, the course structure is much different from the standard form.  Each student will be expected to learn and use inquiry and communication skills appropriate to 21st century education:  searching for information and evaluating it, working in teams, taking initiative and responsibility for learning, creating programmatic demonstrations that work on the World Wide Web, writing coherently, and giving effective oral presentations of technical material.  Research in teaching and learning indicates that these kinds of active participation in the educational process by students leads to more effective learning. Furthermore, industrial employers have been asking schools to turn out graduates with these sorts of skills.  If this plan is consistent with the kind of educational experience you would like to have, do try to take the course this quarter.  If this will be overly challenging for you, consider taking the course in another quarter.

Class Meeting Times and Location:
Lecture: MWF 11:30 - 12:20 in MUE 153 (Mueller Hall)



Mar 8. Applets and source code for Assignment 5 are due at 6:00 PM today.  The way to turn them in is simply to make sure that your A5 documentation page contains working links to them.  The graders will have access via the documentation page URLs that you already submitted.

Our last regular class meeting (on Friday, March 9) will be held in Mary Gates Hall room 30.  We'll start with four 8-minute presentations by groups doing options 2 and 3 on Assignment 5.  Then, I'll say a little bit about the final examination, and during the last 15 minutes you'll be asked to fill out the course evaluation form from the Office of Educational Assessment.

On Tuesday, March 13, we'll have a review session for the final exam.  The session is scheduled for 4:45-5:45 PM.  The room will be announced by email.

Feb 6.  "The mean peer evaluation scores for your Assignment 4 presentations can be seen hereFeb 23. Reminder: the 2nd midterm will be given on Monday, February 26. Bring an answer sheet and some number 2 pencils.

Feb 6.  "The mean peer evaluation scores for your Assignment 3 presentations can be seen here Jan 31.  "I'll spend 3:30-4:20 on Thursday, Feb. 1 in Communications B027 to help with homework, etc." --ST

Jan 20. Our online discussion forum system has been configured.  Username and password information is being distributed separately. Once you have your account information, you can access INFACT-FORUM

Old announcements can be viewed here.



 Last Updated:
March 8, 2001

A link to previous quarters' web pages

Contact the instructor at: