Your friendly instructor:
- Rajesh Rao, Assistant Professor, UW CSE (rao@cs)
Office Hours: MW 2:00-3:00pm and by appointment (via e-mail), Sieg 325D
Your even more friendly TAs:
- Charles Gordon (cgordon@cs)
Office Hours: Mon 10-11am, Wed 1-2pm, Thu 11-12pm (fourth floor hallway, Sieg Hall)
- Jiwon Kim (jwkim@cs)
Office Hours: Tue 1:30-2:30pm (226a), Thu 1:30-2:30 (226b), Fri 2:30-3:30 (226b), Sieg Hall
Feel free to get in touch with the instructor or TAs after class or by email. For e-mails, please include "373" somewhere in the subject of your message.