CSE 373, Autumn 2001.

Midterm Friday, Nov 9 (during class, 12:30-1:20pm).

Closed book, closed notes.

The midterm will cover material from Chapters 1 through 5 in the Weiss book, along with any other material discussed in class, discussed in discussion, or that appeared on the homework and/or programming assignments.

Material you should know:

Basic Mathematics from Chapter 1, including

Algorithmic Analysis tools:

Basic Data structures:


Balanced Binary Search Trees:

Hash Tables:

Material NOT covered on the midterm:

Tips for studying: Read through the book (slowly) from Chapter 1 onwards. Review the definitions and concepts. As you do this, review your notes and homework problems related to the material. Work on some (or all) of the suggested homework problems. As promised, one or more of them will appear on the midterm, either word-for-word or a very close variation. Consider variations of the homework problems and solve them. (For example, in problem #2 on HW #2, suppose the probabilities were 90% and 10% instead of 80% and 20%. Does that change your judgement about which scheme is better?) Practice doing dictionary operations (find, insert, remove) on the various data structures encountered so far (lists, stacks, queues, binary search trees, AVL trees, Splay trees, hash tables). Consider any real-world application and think about what kind of data structure you would use in its implementation. Why would one data structure be better than another in the application?